Praise, if too much can lead to an unexpected effect opposite to out intention.

游客2023-07-15  16

问题 Praise, if too much can lead to an unexpected effect opposite to out intention. [br] A possible way to make a kid hand out his toy is to ______.


答案 put his name on the toy

解析 定位到第五个小标题下第二段最后一句One solution is to put your child’s name on the toy before you take it out of his hands, so he knows you’re not forcing him to give up ownership.[精析] 同义转述题[考频:22]。此处要求填入动词性短语,与其前的to组成表语成分。根据该句可知空格处应填写的内容与to put your child’s name on the toy(在玩具上留下孩子的名字)对应,根据题干的指代关系,要将 your child’s改为his得出答案。