[originaltext]W: You never speak English unless you absolutely have to. I’ll he

游客2023-07-11  15

W: You never speak English unless you absolutely have to. I’ll help,you if you promise to speak nothing but English all the time.
M: All right. Maybe I’ll do that. It’s the only way I’ll be able to learn English fast enough, I guess.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
M: How long does the journey take if I go by bus?
W: It depends on the traffic. I think the Airport Express is your best bet.
Q: What kind of place is the man probably going to?

选项 A、The bus station.
B、The school.
C、The airport.
D、The travel agency.

答案 C

解析 女士说:“我想你最好乘坐机场快线。”机场快线是连接机场与市中心的专车,因此男士应该是去机场,选C。