Commuters have a 40 per cent greater risk of ending up divorced, according t

游客2023-07-10  21

问题     Commuters have a 40 per cent greater risk of ending up divorced, according to a university study.
    【C1】______you are reading this on your way to work, your marriage may already be【C2】______trouble. Those who spend a long time on trains or【C3】______in cars shuttling to the office are【C4】______to 40 per cent more likely to【C5】______from their spouse. The risk is highest in the first few years when the dream gives way to the daily【C6】______.
    Experts said that if one partner spends 45 minutes or more commuting they would come home too tired to help around the house. This would create a breeding ground for【C7】______that would leave the other person feeling like they are being taken for【C8】______.
    The Swedish study looked at【C9】______data from two million Swedish【C10】______. The researchers from Umea University【C11】______the figure of 45 minutes as the kind of commute which could do damage【C12】______relationships.
    They found that in families where the man commutes, the woman is often forced to take a【C13】______qualified job closer to home, which means both less money as well as a larger【C14】______of the family responsibility.
    Jean Hannah Edelstein, an【C15】______expert, said that unless both partners are commuting, then the commuting partner is going to be【C16】______a lot of the time.
    "This means they have less time to help out with the【C17】______chores. The commuting partner might feel like he shouldn’t have to【C18】______equal responsibility around the home【C19】______he’s putting in the long hours back and【C20】______to work." [br] 【C16】

选项 A、absent

答案 A

解析 考查形容词辨析。absent“缺席的”;exhausted“筋疲力尽的”;attached“连接的,附加的”;busy“繁忙的”。空格前说除非夫妻双方都是长时间乘车上下班,那么通勤的一方肯定大量时间不在家,另外,下文提及他们少有时间帮忙做家事,也暗示了某一方不在家,故选A。