[originaltext]M: Lily, let’s take a vacation!W: George, how can we? Vacations

游客2023-07-10  14

M: Lily, let’s take a vacation!
W: George, how can we? Vacations cost money. And this month we don’t have much money left after paying the rent.
Q: What do we know from the conversation?
W: Which language do you speak?
M: Well,(2)I studied French at school, but I’ve forgotten most of it. I learned some Russian while I was studying there and now I study Spanish in evening classes.
Q: What do we know about the man?

选项 A、He learned English as a school student.
B、He learned Russian at school.
C、He is studying French now.
D、He forgot most of the Spanish he learnt.

答案 B
