[originaltext]M:Lily!(l)Would you like to go with me to the airport to pick up

游客2023-07-10  14

M:Lily!(l)Would you like to go with me to the airport to pick up Frank?
W: I’d like to. But I have class till two and I know Frank’s decided to take the early flight.
Q: What do we know from the conversation?
W: I’ve been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busy signal.
M: Well,(6)if you don’t get him soon, we’ll just have to go to the movies without him.
Q: What does the man suggest do if David is not reached?

选项 A、They wait beside the cinema.
B、They’ll go and look for him.
C、They won’t wait for him.
D、They’ll return the tickets.

答案 C
