[originaltext]W: Excuse me, where can I find the series Hairy Potter? I have be

游客2023-07-06  9

W: Excuse me, where can I find the series Hairy Potter? I have been looking for it for about half an hour.
M: I’m sorry, Miss. They were sold out yesterday. But you may possibly find it in other bookstores.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
M: You have been in London for several months. How do you like the city?
W: The only thing is the sun never smiles. It’s always grey and unhappy.
Q: What doesn’t the woman seem to like about London?

选项 A、The smiling faces.
B、The big sunshine.
C、The unhappy residents.
D、The weather.

答案 D

解析 男士知道女士曾在伦敦待过几个月,问女士对这个城市的印象如何。女士回答说,唯一的印象就是太阳从不露笑脸,天总是灰蒙蒙的。由此可判断,女士不喜欢伦敦的“天气”,D正确。