自1978年开始实行改革开放(reform and opening-up)政策以来,中国经济建设取得了飞跃性的发展。从1997年开始,中国经济平均每年增

游客2023-07-03  28

问题     自1978年开始实行改革开放(reform and opening-up)政策以来,中国经济建设取得了飞跃性的发展。从1997年开始,中国经济平均每年增长7.7%,成为世界上经济发展速度最快的国家。2001年中国加入了世界贸易组织(WTO),加快了中国对外开放和全球化的进程。2008年和2010年中国分别成功举办了奥运会和世博会(the World Expo),赢得了世界对中国经济的关注和喝彩。中国将继续走改革开放之路,保持经济持续(sustained)健康发展。


答案     Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening-up in 1978, China’s economy has witnessed dramatic growth. It has been growing at 7. 7% per year on average since 1997, which makes China become the country with the fastest economic growth. The entry of WTO in 2001 has enhanced China’s process of openness and globalization. Successfully holding the Olympic Games in 2008 and the World Expo in 2010 makes the world give more attention and respect to China’s economy. China will stay on the path of reform and opening-up, and maintain a sustained and healthy economic growth.

解析 1.第一句中的“中国经济建设取得了飞跃性的发展”可以译为China’s economy has witnesseddramatic growth,witness有“亲身经历,见证”之意,也可以用see代替。
2.第二句中的“经济发展速度最快的国家”可以译为the country with the fastest economicgrowth,也可以译为the country with the fastest-growing economy。
3.第四句中的“对中国经济的关注和喝彩”可以译为give more attention and respect to China’seconomy。