王羲之,祖籍为现在的山东省,东晋大书法家,后人尊称他为“书圣”(the Sage of Calligraphy)。王羲之年轻时跟卫夫人学习书法,后来又到处

游客2023-06-26  5

问题    王羲之,祖籍为现在的山东省,东晋大书法家,后人尊称他为“书圣”(the Sage of Calligraphy)。王羲之年轻时跟卫夫人学习书法,后来又到处游历,学习了书法界前辈们的碑刻。据说他常常夜以继日地练习书法。休息时,他还想着字的结构,手指就在衣服上画,时间一长,连衣服也写破了。王羲之在行书(running script)和草书(cursive script)方面的独特风格对后世书法家影响很大。


答案    Wang Xizhi was born in today’s Shandong Province. He was a great calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was called by later generations the Sage of Calligraphy. He learned the art of calligraphy from Lady Wei in his youth. Then he traveled widely to study tablet inscriptions executed by venerable seniors in calligraphy. It is said that he used to practice day and night. When he took a rest, he still thought of the structure of characters, and his fingers would trace them on his garments which became worn out over time. Wang Xizhi’s unique style in both running script and cursive script had a great influence on calligraphers of later generations.
