中欧双方的文化交流源远流长。早在公元前2世纪。古老的丝绸之路就连接起长安和罗马,开启了中欧文明对话的先河。威尼斯商人马可.波罗(Marco Polo)游

游客2023-06-18  27

问题     中欧双方的文化交流源远流长。早在公元前2世纪。古老的丝绸之路就连接起长安和罗马,开启了中欧文明对话的先河。威尼斯商人马可.波罗(Marco Polo)游历中国大地后撰写的游记为西方世界揭开了这个东方国度的神秘面纱。中外文化交流的历史证明,一切优秀的文明成果都是人类长期生产实践和智慧的结晶,是人类文明进步的象征。是全人类的共同财富。


答案     China and Europe have a long history of cultural exchange. As far back as the 2nd century B. C., the ancient Silk Road linked Chang’an and Rome and made possible the dialogue between Chinese and European civilizations. The travelogue written by a Venetian businessman Marco Polo after traveling in China introduced China, then a mysterious east land, to the West. The history of sino-foreign cultural exchange proves that all fine achievements of human civilization are fruits of long-term productive activities and human wisdom. They are symbols of human progress and the shared treasure of all mankind.
