
游客2023-06-18  39

问题     澳门是一个国际化的都市。几百年来,它一直是中西文化融和共存的地方。中西文化在此地相互交融,留下了许多历史文化遗产,使澳门成为一个独特的城市。澳门是一个适宜徒步游览的城市。这座城市地方虽小,却充满了万花筒般的诱惑,因此游人难免会有意无意地脱离既定的游览路线。澳门还是一个饮食文化十分发达的城市。目前,全澳门有300多家较具规模的酒楼、饭店和西餐厅。至于遍布大街小巷的大排档、甜品屋、小吃店,那就更多了。


答案     Macao is an international metropolis. For several hundred years, it has been a place where Chinese and Western cultures merge and coexist. Owing to the blending of the cultures of the East and the West, a lot of historical and cultural legacies have come into being and made Macao a unique city. Macao is a city that is suitable for visiting on foot. Although the city is small, it is filled with enticement like a kaleidoscope, so visitors will consciously or unconsciously get away from the set line of touring. Macao is also a city with well developed food culture, and there are over 300 hotels, restaurants and Western restaurants that are relatively large at present. As for the sidewalk snack booths, dessert rooms, snack bars, there are many of them spreading over streets and lanes.
