共用题干 Ha!The Sdence of When We Laugh and

题库2022-08-02  8

问题 共用题干Ha!The Sdence of When We Laugh and Why
It's certainly possible to over-analyze a joke._______(46)Considering the abundant research on the topic,maybe not.
Scott Weems,a neuroscientist,takes readers on a wide-ranging tour that explains what humor is and why readers should care.______(47)Humor improves interpersonal relationships,and studies show that simply watching a funny movie can lower stress,improve immune system response and even help viewers better solve problems.
The complexity of the human brain makes humor possible,Weems argues,and it also helps explain how some people can find a joke hilarious while others deem it grossly offensive.
Humor takes many forms-as many as 44 by one researcher's count-but shares certain traits and themes.From puns and riddles to slapstick(打闹剧),humor is inherently subversive , Weems says , often treating serious subjects with frivolity(轻浮)or even rudeness.______(48) Ha ! Isn ' t a self-help guide to being funny , though a careful reader can find useful nuggets(块金) throughout?______( 49 ) Surprise helps , too , whether it ' s the incongruity(不协调)of an elephant hiding in a cherry tree or the absolute improbability of Raquel Welch and the pope ending up in the same lifeboat.
The final chapter divulges(透露)Weems's semi-successful attempt at stand-up comedy.He got a few laughs,he says,but not where he expected them. ______(50)The joke that got Weems the most laughs,and judged by one website's readers as the best in the world,is a story that he had practiced many dozens,maybe hundreds,of times._______(47)A:Prisoners of war and others in dire situations,for instance,often turn to dark humor.B:It turns out that humor influences health and social well-being in many ways.C:The funniest jokes carry a little edginess(急躁),but not too much.D:But can the same be said for humor as a whole?E:Maybe practice does make perfect.F:Laughter is the bridge between dreams and reason,and ev6ry good bridge needs abutments.

选项 _______(47)
A:Prisoners of war and others in dire situations,for instance,often turn to dark humor.
B:It turns out that humor influences health and social well-being in many ways.
C:The funniest jokes carry a little edginess(急躁),but not too much.
D:But can the same be said for humor as a whole?
E:Maybe practice does make perfect.
F:Laughter is the bridge between dreams and reason,and ev6ry good bridge needs abutments.

答案 B

解析 空格前一句提到,笑话是完全可以分析的;空格后一句又说“或许不可以”。所以可以推测出,空格处与空格前一句应该是转折关系。且空格后一句是答语,可知空格处应为问句。只有D项符合题意。
空格前说的是Weems的喜剧的笑点并不多,空格后说的是他最受欢迎的笑话,特别是通过空格后的“…he had practiced many dozens …”中的“practiced”一词可知,讲笑话或许也可以熟能生巧,因此选E。
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