Lawyers protesting about cuts don't attr

考试题库2022-08-02  22

问题 Lawyers protesting about cuts don't attract the same level of public support as doctors and nurses.What goes on in the courts is not widely understood,and most people do not expect to neecl a publicly funded lawyer in the way that they rely on hospitals.Nevertheless,access to justice is a fundamental democratic right,and the chaos and failure unfolding across the legal system as the result of cuts should concern everyone who cares about justice.Research carried out by civil servants and published in May after it was leaked shows that the disruptive effect of legal aid cuts in England and Wales has spread from the civil courts to the criminal courts:where increasing numbers of clefendants are appearing without legal advice or representation,as a consequence of changes including new means tests.More than half of juclges questioned for the study voiced concerns about defendants not understanding that a guilty plea could lead to a reducecl sentence.The government knows there is a problem.not least because the王950m reduction in the legal aid bill in 2016,compared with 2010,was more than twice as much as it expected.But ministers have already clelayed far too long in the face of clear evidence that cuts in the family courts have been harmful.Official figures show that the proportion of plaintif{s and defendants with legal representation fell from 60%in 2012 t0 33%in the first quarter of last year,and it is not uncommon for one party in a civil case to be represented by a lawyer while the other is not.Some sensible changes have already been suggested in a review commissioned by the Labour party last year.These include a loosening of the criteria for legal aid eligibility to include all cases involving children,and representation for families in inquests where the state is already funding one party such as the police-which represents an essential rebalancing of justice's scales.The report also made the not unreasonable suggestion that law should be taught in schools.Avoiding costly lawsuits by encouraging people to treat court as a last resort sounds reasonable,and some of the consequences of the cuts were no doubt unintended.But the"simpler"and"more responsive"system promised by the Conservative justice secretary Ken Clarke when embarking on these cost-saving measures in 2010 now looks like wishful thinking at best.The current justice secretary,David Gauke,must act to restore confidence in a damaged system.Legal aid began in the UK in the 1940s with the rest of the welfare state.In the US,a defendant's entittement to a lawyer in a criminal case is enshrined in an amendment to the constitution.While the rules in the UK may lack this constitutional underpinning,people are still entitled to access to justice-including lawyers paid for with legal aid.Legal aid cuts fail to raise much public concerns partly becauseA.unlike doctors,lawyers have a bad reputation.B.most people lack enough legal knowledge.C.lawyers'protests are less reported by the media.D.the chaotic legal system is totally disappointing.

选项 A.unlike doctors,lawyers have a bad reputation.
B.most people lack enough legal knowledge.
C.lawyers'protests are less reported by the media.
D.the chaotic legal system is totally disappointing.

答案 B

解析 第一段①句首先说明现象:律师对“法律援助预算削减”的抗议获得的公众支持不多。②句说明两方面原因:法律事务大多数人不懂、公设辩护人(即法律援助的重要一环)大多数人很少需要。B.符合其中之一“大多数人对法律缺乏足够了解”。[解题技巧]A.利用人们对律师职业的偏见干扰,文中将律师与医生护士相比较意不在说明谁更受尊重,而是对比公众的需求度,以解释为何人们关注医疗政策却不关注法律政策。C.由段末unfolding(展开、披露)主观臆断”媒体之前报道不足.故人们鲜少关注”。D.将③句the chaos and failure.…across the legal system所体现的作者呼吁“法律体系的混乱应引发担忧/关注”歪曲为“公众对混乱的法律体系已不抱希望”。
