
题库2022-08-02  52

问题   2005年12月,当建筑工人将北京银泰中心的最后一根大梁安装完成后,“京城第一高楼”正式封顶,它的高度为249.9米。此前的15年,“京城第一高楼”的荣誉属于京广中心,其高度为209米;在更早之前的1958年,“京城第一”的荣誉属于50年代的“十大建筑”之一——位于长安街的北京电报大楼。大楼装有四面塔钟,每当悠扬的报时钟声回荡于十里长街,北京人常常会习惯性地抬头仰望高达74米的电报大楼。银泰中心在“京城第一高楼”的“交椅”上仅坐了不到二年,国贸二期竣工后,又将北京的高度提升到330米。在国贸的不远处,则是即将竣工的中央电视台新址、北京财富中心。他们正俯瞰北京城,成为这座城市的下一个制高点。  上述故事发生于CBD,即位于北京城东的中央商务区,这里已经成为北京最富有活力、最具有现代化气息的地区之一。这些气势恢宏、雄心勃勃的建筑,是北京飞速发展的一个缩影,同时也是北京乃至中国崛起于世界的窗口。(376 words)



解析 In December, 2005, when the construction worker finished mounting the last crossbeam of the Beijing Yintai Center, the tallest building in Capital Beijing formally completed its capping, with a height of 249.9 meters. 15 years before that, the honor of the tallest building in Capital Beijing fell to Jingguang Center, measured 209 meters by height; while in the earlier year of 1958, this honor belonged to one of the ten great buildings in 1950s, that is, the Beijing Telegraph Building located in the Changan street. This building was furnished with turret clock on its four sides. When the melodious bell rang across the ten-li long street to tell the time, people in Beijing would habituallly rise their head and look up at the telehraph building as high as 74 meters. The Yintai Center had kept the honor for just less than two years until the completion of the second-phase project of the China World Trade Center, which has elevated the height of Beijing to 330 meters. Not far from it lie the new site of CCTV headquarters and the Beijing Fortune Plaza. They will overlook Beijing as the next commanding height of the city.
  The above-mentioned stories all took place in CBD---the Central Bussiness District in the east of Beijing, which boasts to be one of the most dynamic and modern part of Beijing. And these imposing and ambitious buildings represent not only a miniature for the rapid development of Beijing, but also a window for the emerging Beijing and even the florishing China in the world.
