[originaltext]M: Did you buy the bed we saw last week?W: Of course.Though it’s

游客2024-06-27  2

M: Did you buy the bed we saw last week?
W: Of course.Though it’s not so beautiful,it’s very cheap.
Q: Why did the woman buy the bed?
M: What a beautiful necklace! Is it new?
W: No,my boyfriend bought it for me four years ago.
Q:When did the woman get the necklace?

选项 A、Five years ago.
B、Four years ago.
C、Six years ago.
D、Not long ago.

答案 B

解析 四个选项都是时间,因此在听音时要格外留意相关的内容。题目询问女士是什么时候得到这条项链的。根据女士的回答“四年前我男友买给我的”,可知选项B(四年前)为正确答案。选项A(五年前)和选项C(六年前)与对话中所说的时间显然不一致,可以首先排除;由于女士对男士的问话“It is new”作了否定的问答,所以选项D(不久以前)也不正确。