资格题库2022-08-02  26

问题 Passage 2“HOMESTAY NETWORK”STUDENT GUIDELINESOn arrival at your new home:·Try to remember the names of your host family.If unsure about how to address them,it is okay to ask how they would like to be called.For example,if it is impolite in your country to call someone elder by their first name,ask if it’s okay to add Mr.or front of their names.Some Americans do not like to be addressed this way because it makes them feel old.·Show your family that you are grateful for being your host.But do not give expensive gifts.It is,however,considered appropriate to bring inexpensive handcrafts from your country or a small gift for the children of the host family.·Your host family will be curious to know more about you.Bring photos of your family and friends to share with them.This is also a great way to break the ice with them.·After you get settled,your host family will help you make a call to your parents to assure them that you have arrived-safely.·After you’ve had dinner,you may ask the host family to be excused early.They will be fully aware of the fact that you might be jet lagged,so feel free to ask them.On your first day of school:·On your first day of school,your host family will take you to school and help you with the necessary registration paperwork.·Your host family will also make sure that you know your way to and from school.They will also teach you how to use public transportation·When traveling alone,you should at all times carry a map and the phone number of your host family.·In case you are lost and cannot get in touch with your host family,you can contact the“Home stay Network”.What is implied by the guidelines?(  )A.Americans prefer to address each other formally.B.Newly arrived students often get lost in the city.C.Host families come from educated backgrounds.D.Students will depend on the host family to settle in.

选项 A.Americans prefer to address each other formally.
B.Newly arrived students often get lost in the city.
C.Host families come from educated backgrounds.
D.Students will depend on the host family to settle in.

答案 D

解析 文中提到的各项内容都能说明借宿学生需要主人家的帮助,故正确答案是选项D。
