高中英语?阅读 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Tea
高中英语?阅读 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Tea
二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will have a basic understanding of Wordsworth and the meaning of the poem.Ability aim:Students will have their own comprehension of the poem.Emotional aim:Students will be interested in reading poems and their confidence will be built up.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master some new words from the poem such as vale, daffodil, etc.Difficult Point: Students will understand the emotions that poetry wants to express.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song, She walks in beauty, which is also a poem written by Byron.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Introduce the major English Romantic poet William Wordsworth.2. Introduce the background of the writing of this poem.Step 3: While-reading1. Read the poem for students, let them underline the words they don’t understand. And teacher explain the meaning by giving some example sentences.2. Ask students the main idea and what they feel about this poem.3. Let students read the poem again, and try to find out what the writer mention in the poem.4. Let students find the rhyme.(It’s a combination of cross rhyme and couplet, whose the structure is ababcc )4. Read the poem for the third time. Combining the background of the poet's writing, students is asked to think about what the clouds and daffodils written in the author's poems represent, whatare the deep meanings?Step4: Post-reading1. Discussion: What is the difference between metaphors in poetry and in novels?2. Survey: What plants or animals will you compare yourself to? Why?Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the lesson and summarize for the whole class.Homework: ask students to collect more of their favourite poems on the internet and share in the next class.Blackboard design:
1. How do you think about designing poetry appreciation courses?2. How are all the links in your course connected?
Appreciation of poetry is actually poetry reading, but the genre of reading materials is poetry. As with regular reading lessons, the course should be divided into three parts: pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading. In the pre-reading session, teachers should focus on sparking the interest of students in reading, introducing the author and poetry writing background. In the while-reading process, it is divided into extensive reading and intensive reading. Extensive reading focuses on cultivating students' understanding and grasp the main idea of poetry. Intensive reading trains students' understanding of the emotions expressed in poetry and the attitude of the author. Post-reading sessions allow students to discuss poetry content and more.
In my class, the warming up session gave the students a song adapted from Byron's poems, which led to the content of this lesson. The second link is pre-reading. I introduced the poet Wordsworth to the students and the background and reasons for his writing of the poem, so that students have a general understanding of the poem. The following is while-reading. I led students from extensive reading to intensive reading and from entirety to the details, especially the metaphor in poetry. In the post-reading session, I asked students to discuss and research based on the content of this lesson and encourage them to express their ideas. The final part summary and homework allows students to further consolidate what they have learned in this lesson. Each section of the class was designed from easy to difficult, step by step, and trained students poetry reading skills.
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