【教学过程】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can master the format of the
【教学过程】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can master the format of the
【教学过程】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can master the format of the news bulletin. Ability aim: Students can organize their news writings well by imitating the sample. Emotional aim: Students will be more sensitive to different genres of literature. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students can write a news bulletin in correct format. Difficult Point: Students can actively convey messages in written English. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greet the students. 2. Play a short piece of video which is a recent international news, then encourage students to talk about their opinions towards this news. Step 2: Pre-writing 1. The teacher read the passage for students and ask them to decide which style of writing it belongs to. 2. Let students read it again and work in groups of four to conclude the structure that the reporter used to write this passage. Present students’ answers on the blackboard. 3. Continue the group work. Have a discussion about the news happened recently. Step 3: While-writing Give students 15 minutes to write a news bulletin according to the standard format. Remind them to pay attention to the tense, structure, and the coherence. Step4: Post-reading 1. Deskmates check the writings for each other. 2. Invite some volunteers to share their news by reading them aloud. 3. The teacher gives them some comments. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: the teacher will summarize today’s key point. Homework: students revise their own works after class; each group need to make a newspaper by organizing members’ news reports together.
【答辩题目解析】 How well will your students do in this writing class? 【参考答案】 As students in junior high school, they are quite familiar to English writing. However, this may be their first time get in touch with news bulletin writing. I will make full use of the pre-writing part to help my students become well-prepared for it. After observing and discussion with their friend, they can get initial understanding of the writing structure. In addition, I will also give some instructions while they are writing if necessary. So I believe all the students can master this new type of writing well. Please talk about a news you heard recently. 【参考答案】 The news that gives me the deepest impression during these days must be the one that Change 4 landed on the far side of the moon successfully. On January 3rd, 2019, China made history as the first to send a spacecraft to the dark side of the moon. It is an exciting news and of historically significance for the Change 4 collects unique data that could inform our understanding of the early solar system, and perhaps even the early universe. I will always be proud of these achievements our country has made.
国际著作权贸易的操作过程必须包括( )等内容。A.获取有关信息 B.实地考察
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对电子出版物编辑人员使用多媒体计算机的具体要求包括( )。A.加强对制作过程中
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下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一句是()。 A.由于学生表达能力不强,解答
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