《What are you going to be when you grow up?》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Step1 Warming-
《What are you going to be when you grow up?》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Step1 Warming-
《What are you going to be when you grow up?》主要教学过程及板书设计(一)教学过程Step1 Warming-up:Listen to a song, “Be what you wanna be”. And after listening, I will ask a question: what can you hear from the song? Yes, many professions, such as lawyer, doctor and so on. And then I will ask students, “ what do they want to be when they grow up” and ask some students to answer the question. And then I will tell students we can also say “what are you going to be when you grow up” and lead to today’s class.Step2 Pre-listening:I will show some pictures on the PPT, the first picture is about reporter and the second picture is about the article. I will write down the two words on the blackboard and then I will ask the students to read after me.Step3 While-listening:I will ask students to listen to the radio for the first time and then match the sentence with the picture on the PPT. The first picture is about the reporter, thee second picture is about writing magazines and the third picture is about Shanghai.Then I will ask students to listen to the radio for the second time and after listening, I will ask them to answer three questions on the blackboard, the first one is “What is he going to do when he grows up”, the second one is “how is he going to do for that” and the third one is “where is he going to work”.I will ask students to listen to the radio for the third time and they need to read after the radio. And then I will divide the students into two groups, group A acts as A, and group B acts as B, and read the passage.Step 4 Post-listeningWe will play a game called “ hot potato”. When the music begins to play, students need to pass the flower. And when the music stops, the students who is holding the flower need to answer the question about “what is he going to do when he grows up, how is he going to do for that or where is he going to work”.And then we will have a group work, four students as a group and students need to make a survey about what is their group members going to be, how is he or she going to do for that and where is he going to work. Five minutes later, I will ask some groups to show their report.Step5 Summary and homeworkI will ask students to read the passage to summarize what we have learned today. After class, they need to search more information about the job they want to do.(二)板书设计Blackboard Design:
下列关于数字出版产品分析的说法中,正确的有( )。A.分析过程要系统、全面、客
数字出版产品的数据分析过程中,数据呈现的方式包括( )等。A.饼图 B.直方
市场调研的主要工作内容包括( )等。A.设计信息采集方案 B.开展调研 C
制订策划方案的主要工作不包括( )。A.定位设计 B.产品设计 C.需求设
知识服务的特征包括( )。A.知识服务贯穿开发者解决问题的全过程 B.知识服
图书出版过程中的质量管理内容包括选题质量、内容质量、编辑加工质量和( )。A.
出版物市场调查的程序一般包括( )。A.目标确定、调查设计、计划执行 B.领
编辑工作的中介性主要表现为( )等。A.联系文化产品的精神生产过程和物质生产过
预应力用的钢绞线必检项目包括()。A.拉伸强度 B.屈服荷载 C.伸长
A.曲泽 B.神门 C.通里 D.少冲 E.尺泽在前臂前区,腕掌侧远端横
梁(板)预制实测项目中为关键实测项目的是梁(板)的()。A、长度 B、宽度
有利水渗湿,健脾宁心功效的中药是()。A.茯苓 B.猪苓 C.薏苡仁
对于积极式函证而没有复函,应采用追查程序,如仍得不到答复应考虑()。 A.扩
导致女方不孕最常见的因素是A.子宫因素 B.子宫颈因素 C.输卵管因素 D
( )也称经验效度,是通过建立一定的指标来检查岗位测评结果的效度。A.内容效度
“四五运动”最重要的意义在于 A.控诉“四人帮”的罪恶 B.沉痛悼念周恩来总