《A butterfly》主要教学过程及板书设计 教学过程 Step1 Warming-up and lead-in After greeting the
《A butterfly》主要教学过程及板书设计 教学过程 Step1 Warming-up and lead-in After greeting the
《A butterfly》主要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step1 Warming-up and lead-inAfter greeting the students, I will play the song “The bear”, whose lyrics use the simple past tense, to the students. I will write down a segment of the lyrics on the blackboard and review the past form of some verbs, such as “look-looked”, “meet-met” and “say-said”, with the whole class.Step2 PresentationI will enjoy the strip pictures of butterfly growth with the whole class to introduce the simple past tense. I will ask students questions while watching the pictures. The questions are: “what was the color of the egg?”, “what did a caterpillar eat?” and “how long did the caterpillar live in the small cocoon?” By orders of strip pictures, the growth a butterfly is showed clearly, and time sequences are showed by “the first”, “then” and “finally”.As the students answer these questions, answers are written down on the blackboard. I will invite students to work out the rule of the simple past tense. Simple past tense is usually used to talk about a completed action or state that occurred in the past, and to form this tense, one needs to add -ed to the end of a regular verb and remember the past forms of some irregular verbs.Step3 Practice1. Conversion task: students are required to converse the following simple present tense into simple past tense to better understand the new structure:I usually eat an egg for breakfast.I _____ an egg for breakfast yesterday morning.People often live in houses.John _____ in the small village for about two years.Do you come to your grandma’s twice a week?He _____ to see his grandma last week.There are three people in my family.There _____ many butterflies here 5 years ago.2. Translation task: students are expected to translate the following Chinese into the corresponding English.我妹妹早餐吃了一个橙子和一片面包。约翰之前和他妈妈去逛了百货商场。我上周买了一个新的文具盒。Step4 Production1. Group discussion: divide the whole class into groups of 6 and require them to describe the growth of a tree, at the same time, draw it into strip pictures. Three groups will be asked to have a presentation.Filling blanks: students try to fill in the blanks below independently:It _____ a small seed. Then it _____ a sapling after two weeks. Finally it _____ tall and _____ a large tree. There _____ so many big trees.Step5 Summary and homeworkSummary: invite two students to retell the growth of a butterfly with the help of strip pictures.Homework: ask students to select pictures of their childhood and make a comparison between the present selves and the old selves.板书设计
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