Many useful tools and techniques are use

最全题库2022-08-02  43

问题 Many useful tools and techniques are used in developing schedule. ( ) is a schedule network analysis technique that modifies the project schedule to account for limited resource.A.PERT   B.Resource levelling C.Schedule compression   D.Critical chain methoD.

选项 A.PERT  
B.Resource levelling
C.Schedule compression  
D.Critical chain methoD.

答案 D

解析 PERT方法能协调整个计划的各道工序,通过描绘出项目包含的各种活动的先后次序,标明每项活动的时间或相关的成本,合理安排人力、物力、时间、资金,加速计划的完成。(72)        A.PERT                 B.资源平衡                        C.进度压缩                 D.关键路径法
