1.题目:语法教学 2.内容: 3.基本要求: (1)试讲时间约10分

资格题库2022-08-02  40

问题 1.题目:语法教学2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间约10分钟,采用英语授课;(2)注意语法教学的情景化;(3)训练学生看图说话的能力,指导学生用英语描述正在进行的动作和行为;(4)配合教学内容适当板书。



解析 Teaching Procedures:l.Lead-in
The teacher introduces a friend,Sam to students.Tellstudents that Sam is coming to their classroom today tointroduce some of his friends and family members.Askstudents to guess what his friends and family members maybe like.
(1)The teacher plays the tape of Sam’s introduction.Then,ask students the following questions.
How many people does Sam introduce?Can you guess if they boys or girls?
(2)The teacher plays the tape again and invitesstudents to answer respectively"What is Maomao/Xiaowei/Amy/Tom doing in the picture?”The teacher writes theanswers on the blackboard and underlines the presentcontinuous part.
(3)Students work in groups to discuss when and how touse present continuous tense in a sentence.The teachermakes some supplements and stresses the form of verbs whileusing this tense.
(1)Present students some pictures in which people are
doing different things.Ask students to work in pairs tochoose several pictures to describe.Then,the teacherinvites several pairs to show present their description andthe rest of the class can guess which picture it is.
(2)Play a short video for students.While watching thevideo,ask students to take some necessary notes.Afterwatching,students work in groups and try to repeat what ishappening in the video.
A?Students draw a picture of their family to show whateveryone is doing after school/work.Then,try to describethe picture they have drawn to their partner.Then,theteacher invites several students to come to the front to showtheir pictures and make descriptions.
Students summarize what they have learnt in this lessonand the teacher gives supplements if necessary,and remindsthem to pay more attention to other people in their dailylife.
Students show their pictures to their parents andexplain to them the scene in the pictures.
