The Leaning Tower of Pisa Teaching aims Students can have a better understandi
The Leaning Tower of Pisa Teaching aims Students can have a better understandi
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Teaching aims
Students can have a better understanding of the reading material about The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Students will learn some useful expressions to introduce places of interest.
Students are able to use different basic reading strategies like grasping details correctly in their reading process.
Students will be interested in traveling more places of interest all over the world.
Key and difficult points
Key point
To understand the content of the passage and know how to introduce the place of interest.
Difficult point
To grasp the reading strategy and raise their interest in traveling more places of interest all over the world.
Teaching procedures
Step 1:Warming-up
1.Greet students by using different languages.
2.Sing a song named You and Me together with the class:
You and me,from one world.
We are family.
Travel one dream,a thousand miles.
Meeting in Beijing.
Invite students to introduce the background of this song and share some information with students that every four year countries all over the world will take part in the Olympic Games and ask students whether they know the amount of countries in the world and whether they can name some.
Step 2:Pre-reading
Show students pictures of the Roman Colosseum and Venice,ask students to describe them and then ask them whether they know where they are and which country they are in.
Step 3:While-reading
1.Extensive reading
Ask students to read the passage quickly for the first time and try to figure out what the passage is mainly about.Then invite one student to share the answer:the main idea is the introduction of The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
2.Intensive reading
Ask students to read the passage for the second time and at this time,let them pay attention to some key numbers which refer to years.Then try to make a timeline according to the passage.
Then invite some students to come to the stage to show their answers on the blackboard.
3.Ask students to read after the teacher to imitate the intonation and pronunciation.
Step 4:Post-reading
Story-sharing time
Ask students to work in groups of 4 and 8 minutes will be given to them to share their own traveling experiences,and introduce more places of interest they know or they have traveled to their group members.When the time is over,invite 2 groups at random to share and give proper evaluations.
Step 5:Summary and Homework
Summary:invite the monitor to make a summary and also share his own opinions on the topic.Then remind students to protect the environment wherever they travel.
Homework:ask students to find more information about places of interest and then choose one they like best to recommend to the doctors and nurses who work hard during the epidemic.
Blackboard design略
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下列矩阵中不能对角化的是()。A. B. C. D.
如果要缩小置信区间,在其他条件不变的情况下,必须提高对置信水平的要求。( )
子宫内膜异位症Ⅰ期(微型)评分应为A、1~5分 B、6~15分 C、16
监事会是公司的监督机关,是由( )选举产生。A.经理机构 B.职工代表大会
露天矿主要的开采方式有()。 ①人工开采;②立井开拓;③水力开采;④综