What is the purpose of Jane and Rick’s meeting with the tutor? [br] [originalte
What is the purpose of Jane and Rick’s meeting with the tutor? [br] [originalte
What is the purpose of Jane and Rick’s meeting with the tutor? [br]
Tutor Jane and Rick-nice to see you both. How’s your presentation coming along?
Jane Well, that’s why we’re here-we’d like to ask you for some clarification.
Rick Yes, I’m afraid we are not quite sure that we understand exactly what you’d like us
to include in our report.
Tutor I’m glad that you came to see me-but the deadline is only three weeks away-are
you going to have it done by then?
Jane Oh yes-we think we’ve done most of the time-consuming work-we just have to
pull the information from the survey together and present it in the right format.
Tutor That’s good to hear-collating is the fun part. Did you follow the steps I outlined in
the questionnaire survey?
Jane Yes. We found that the most difficult step was the first one-defining our objectives
and then of course writing the items to match.
Tutor What topic did you choose?
Rick We decided to survey international students about their experiences and the
challenges that they faced when they first came to Australia.
Tutor Right-that’s a very broad topic to survey...
Jane We found that out the hard way.
Rick Sure did-but we are happy with our work, aren’t we Jane?
Jane Yes, so far.
Rick Yes, so far. We handed out almost 400 surveys to international students-not all
from Longholm either. We sent 150 to the Western Australian Education Department
in Perth and 120 to Griffin Technical College in Melbourne.
Tutor I’m pleased to hear that you didn’t restrict the survey to Longholm.
Rick No, we wanted to find out the responses from a range of international students in
Australia, as opposed to the experiences at one tertiary institution only.
Jane We chose a technical college as well as a university campus and a high school-that
gave us access to students of different ages and different disciplines.
Tutor So how many respondents did you get?
Jane Well, in our trial of the survey, we received 44 out of the 50 surveys-that’s 88%-
but that was tightly controlled. We didn’t expect such a high percentage of returns
from the actual survey itself. We had hoped to receive about 70%.
Rick We were both a bit surprised really-we got over 320 surveys returned-322 to be
exact. That’s 80%!
Tutor 322 out of 400-yes, that is an impressive rate of response. Did you have to do a lot
of follow-up work to get those?
Rick We sent out some postcard reminders to some students who hadn’t returned the
surveys by the deadline and from them we received another 38 surveys back.
Jane Rick had written a very persuasive transmittal letter that accompanied the survey.
In the letter, he appealed for their individual contributions so that the situations for
international students might improve.
Tutor Transmittal letters can be very effective-well done! So it sounds like you’ve
followed the correct procedure up until now-you set your objectives and wrote
items to match those objectives. You gave out trial surveys-collected them-
chased the late surveys. I hope you had also analysed your pre-test trial results
before sending out the actual surveys.
Jane Yes, analysing the data from the trial survey was very useful. We checked all of
the responses to each item in the pre-test and found a pattern in some items that
had been left unanswered. We re-wrote those items that were ambiguous or open to
different interpretation. The actual survey worked better because of this.
Tutor Trial surveys can be invaluable. So you sent out your transmittal letters with the
survey and got a high percentage of responses. You shouldn’t have any problems
making general conclusions for your survey.
Rick Yes, we have collated all of our data-which took ages after we received the actual
surveys back. We haven’t started to make conclusions yet because we are not sure
how to begin our report.
Tutor You’ve done the majority of the work-as Jane said, the time-consuming part.
It’ll probably help you to know the three main criteria I’ll be using to mark your
presentations. The first is the quality of your questions’ objectives-make sure that
you don’t give me aims of the survey. I want clear objectives for each item. The
second criterion is the quality of the items in your questionnaire.
Rick We are quite confident with the items. We analysed the pre-test trial quite
Tutor Yes, you have already completed that section obviously. The third criterion will be
judging the quality of your analysis of the data and the conclusions that you draw.
This is always the most interesting part of the presentations for me.
Rick Should this include percentages and tables and graphs to display the data?
Tutor Absolutely-make your conclusions as visual as possible. They should be easy to
read and easy to follow. Ensure that the tables and graphs are clearly labelled with
appropriate headings and only include relevant data.
Rick That’s great-thank you very much. We know what we need to do next.
Jane Yes-thanks a lot.
Tutor My pleasure-I look forward to seeing your presentation in March.
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