[br] What are two features of the pupal stage mentioned in the discussion? Click on 2 answers.
[Professor (female)] Good afternoon, everyone. Q12 Today we’re gonna discuss the development
of butterflies and how--as I’m sure most of you already know--they progress
through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. It’s a rather unique
lifecycle, one that sets butterflies apart from many other organisms. Um, you
may not be aware of this, but there’s a term that describes this kind of lifecycle--
we call it "holometabolism." Q17 Holometabolism--literally
meaning, um, "total change"--refers to the complete metamorphosis that
occurs in organisms like butterflies, as they progress through the four stages
of their lifecycle, starting as an embryo within an egg and ending as an adult
[Student A (male)] What was that you said...imago?
[Professor] Is that term new to you? Imago. In insects, the imago is the last stage of
development. In butterflies, it’s the stage where they become sexually mature
and develop fully functional wings--the stage where they actually become a...a
butterfly. Got it?
OK. Q13 So let’s just jump right into the topic then, starting with the stage of
development where the butterfly is an egg. Uh, I think I’ll talk specifically about
the lifecycle of monarch butterflies--to represent the lifecycle of butterflies
in general. So, the whole process of development in monarchs--from egg to
adult--takes about a month. It all begins when an adult monarch lays a single
egg on the leaf of a milkweed plant. um, usually it’s on the underside of the leaf,
near the top of the plant. We aren’t exactly sure how many eggs an adult female
will lay during the course of her lifetime, but scientists suspect that it may be
from 100 to 300. Anyway, after about four days, these tiny little eggs--they’re
about a millimeter long--these tiny little eggs hatch. Q13 And once they’ve
hatched, monarchs enter the larval stags.
[Student A] Is this the stage where they’re known as caterpillars?
[Professor] That’s right. Q14(C) This is the stage where the monarch exists as a caterpillar--
caterpillars are butterflies in larval form. Q14(E) Um, you could basically say that
caterpillars are little more than eating machines. That’s pretty much all they
do--eat. Eat and grow, I should say. That’s because during the larval stage,
butterflies do all of their growing. For two weeks, caterpillars just sit around
on milkweed leaves and eat and eat and eat. Q14(B) Periodically, monarch
caterpillars actually outgrow their skin! So they molt--that is, they lose their
skin and grow a new one. At the beginning of the larval phase, monarch
caterpillars are about 2 to 6 millimeters long, but by the end of it, they’re
anywhere from 25 to 45 millimeters in length.
[Professor] Q13 After the larval stage, the monarch proceeds into the pupal stage. Uh, let
me show you some slides so you can see what this really looks like. So, uh, first
here’s the egg...then, this one shows the larval stage...and here, this is the slide
I wanted you to see. It’s in what we call the pupal stage. Quite a transformation,
isn’t it?
[Student B (male)] That’s also got another name, right? Uh...chrysa...chrysalis!
[Professor] Right. It’s also called the chrysalis stage. So, about two weeks have passed since
the monarch hatched from its egg, and now it’s in the chrysalis--or pupa--
stage. Um, to enter this stage, the caterpillar hangs upside down from a branch,
um, gripping it with its two hind legs. Next, it molts again, covering itself with a
green exoskeleton that’ll protect it while it undergoes the changes that’ll turn it
into an adult. For the next ten days or so, there’ll be very little movement from
inside the protective casing. Q15(C) Because it’s relatively defenseless during
this stage, the chrysalis is usually well camouflaged to help protect the pupal
monarch from predators. Q15(A) When it’s fully developed--and this happens
about 28 days after hatching from its egg--the monarch will emerge from its
shell and expand its wings for the first time. Q13 It’s reached the imago stage
and is now an adult.
The most important task for adult monarchs is to mate and produce offspring
that will start the whole lifecycle all over again. Q16 Adult monarchs actually
have a pretty short lifespan--two to five weeks for generations born in the
summer. However, the last generation of the summer, which matures in late
summer or early fall...they live a lot longer--eight to nine months--and they
migrate south to warmer places like Mexico or California. After the winter is
over, they return and reproduce before dying.
A、The organism changes from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
B、The organism remains within a chrysalis for 28 days.
C、The organism is colored to blend into its surroundings.
D、The organism sheds its skin multiple times.
多发性骨髓瘤患者血清蛋白电泳图谱中常会出现A.γ球蛋白升高 B.α球蛋白升高
党的十八届三中全会要求,中央出台增支政策形成的地方财力缺口,原则上通过( )进行
卖方负责办理租船订舱,并承担将货物装上船之前的一切费用的价格是指( )。A.FO
关于路基爆破施工中光面爆破与预裂爆破的说法,正确的是( )。A.两者均应有侧面临
由t分布可知,自由度ν越小,t分布的峰越矮,尾部翘得越高,故正确的是A. B.