GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY 1 The Greek word "systema" means union,
GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY 1 The Greek word "systema" means union,
1 The Greek word "systema" means union, and scientists use the word "system" to describe a collection of several components that are linked to one another by functional relationships. Everything outside the system is known as the surroundings. Most scientific literature is a description of the components of a system, their relationships with one another, and their relationships with other systems. Although each science has its own systems with their own subject matter and networks of relationships, the formal characteristics of systems are similar for all sciences. The scientific discipline called general systems theory formulates principles that are valid for systems in general, no matter the elements involved and the relations or forces among them.
2 Systems can be divided into two types: closed systems and open systems. A closed system receives no supply of energy from outside and transfers no energy outwards. An open system receives energy from its surroundings and transfers it out again.
3 A closed system is isolated fiom its surroundings. The energy supply of a closed system is limited and is progressively used up by the processes operating within the system. The ability of the system to function decreases as the available energy is exhausted. Without any additional energy supplied from the outside, the system’s processes stop altogether and no further change is possible in the system. A mill wheel supplied with water from a non-refillable container is a closed system. Once the container of water is empty, the wheel no longer turns because there is no water to turn it. In a truly closed system, the water would have to be collected below the mill wheel in a second container to ensure that the system did not supply any energy to the outside.
4 Some scientists argue that there are few truly closed systems in nature, and many define closed systems more broadly as those allowing energy but not mass to cross the system boundary. By this definition, the Earth system as a whole is a closed system. The boundary of the Earth system is the outer edge of the atmosphere, and except for the occasional meteorite, virtually no mass is exchanged between the Earth system and the rest of the universe. However, energy in the form of solar radiation passes from the sun, through the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface, which in turn radiates energy back out to space across the system boundary. Hence, energy passes across the Earth’s system boundary, but mass does not, making it a closed system.
5 In an open system, energy and mass can be transferred between the system and its surroundings. Living organisms are open systems. They absorb light energy or chemical energy in the form of organic molecules and release heat and metabolic waste products, such as carbon dioxide, to the surroundings. Generally, relationships exist between the components of a system and its surroundings, that is, other systems. Each open system is part of a larger system that receives and gives off energy. In an open system, the energy is continually resupplied from sources outside the system. In the example of the mill wheel, if the non-refillable water container is replaced by a reservoir fed continuously by a stream, it becomes an open system because the energy supply is renewed from the outside.
6 The natural environment is made up of open systems. These can behave as closed systems temporarily if the energy supply is halted for a period. If, for example, the stream to the reservoir supplying the mill dries up for a long period, the energy consumption of the mill wheel cannot be balanced by new energy supply. The water in the reservoir is used up, and if the dry period is long enough, the mill wheel stops turning. Eventually, the stream may flow again, filling the reservoir and turning the mill wheel again. This occurs because the stream-reservoir-mill system is itself a part of the Earth’s much larger systems of water circulation and water budget, which include condensation, precipitation, run-off, and evaporation. The water systems receive their energy supply from the Earth’s heat budget, which in turn receives its energy supply from the sun’s radiation. [br] Why does the author mention water circulation and water budget in paragraph 6?
A、To give examples of open systems that behave as closed systems
B、To illustrate the point that open systems are part of larger systems
C、To emphasize the importance of water in the Earth system
D、To introduce a discussion of threats to the Earth’s energy supply
The author’s purpose is to illustrate the point that open systems are part of larger systems. The stream- reservoir-mill system is an open system when the stream flows again because the water comes from the surroundings-from the Earth’s larger water systems. Clues: ... the stream-reservoir-mill system is itself a part of the Earth’s much larger systems of water circulation and water budget (1.6)
A.极限不存在 B.极限存在但不连续 C.连续,但不可导 D.可导
金融期货是指交易双方在集中的交易场所以( )方式进行的标准化金融期货合约的交易
可出现胸廓塌陷的是()。A.胸腔积气 B.胸腔积液 C.肺气肿 D.肺实
贷款重组应当注意的事项包括()。A.是否属于可重组的对象或产品 B.进入
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