In this part of the section, you will hear I conversation and 2 lectures.
In this part of the section, you will hear I conversation and 2 lectures.
In this part of the section, you will hear I conversation and 2 lectures.
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[br] Why does the guide ask the student if he likes sports?
G Hi there! Uh, looking for some help?
S Oh! Yeah, I uh ... was just wandering around the campus trying to get acquainted with it.
G Well, I can give you some information if you would like. I’m a senior this year, and basically my job for the day is to acquaint new students with the campus ... answer any questions ... So yeah! Welcome! What are you going to be studying this year?
S I’ve, uh, registered as a biology student.
G Great! Well um ... the natural science buildings are on the other end of campus, what we call East Campus. You must have been there already if you’ve registered with Biology because they have all their advising appointments there. Anyway, uh, East Campus is where all your classes will likely be, which is convenient if you’re interested in i sports.., are you?
S Yes, I am! Why do you ask?
G Well, the athletic facilities are on the East Campus. Oh, we’ve got some amazing athletic facilities ... you really should see them. Two years ago we got a donation from a former student to commission a brand new athletic complex. I think the guy who donated the money was an NHL star or something ... anyway, we’ve got a beautiful Olympic-sized pool with a glass ceiling that lets in all the sunlight. So on a really cold exam day, you can still go in and do your laps and soak up the sunrays! There’s also a two-story weight area with state- of-the-art equipment, free-weights, and resistance machines. Oh, there’s a trampoline room, which is tons of fun. A gorgeous sauna area ... oh, and I almost forgot! An indoor skating rink! Go figure, huh? It was a hockey star that donated the money for it, after all.
S Wow, that all sounds really neat. I guess I’ll have plenty to do on my breaks. But ... I’ve heard there’s an extra- curricular orchestra on campus. Where do they rehearse?
G Good question ... let me, uh, look that up ... Right! Here we go. The orchestra rehearses at the Student Activities Center. That’s located on Center Campus. Oh, I remember now! I’ve seen those rooms. They have tons of practice rooms for musicians. You can just go to the porter’s desk at the front door and leave your student card, and they’ll give you a key to a soundproof module. You can go and practice your instrument, use the pianos there, whatever you feel like. And there’s a large orchestra rehearsal room on the third floor. It overlooks the front field, so you can watch the football team go for gold while you practice your Brahms! What uh ... what instrument do you play?
S The oboe. Do you know where I can find out about auditions for the orchestra? I think they’re coming up soon.
G Good question ... I’d, uh, I’d ask at the porter’s desk at the Student Activities Center. They should have all the information there for you. In fact, they are also having an event this afternoon to welcome new students to campus. It’s the annual Orientation Barbecue. Happens every year, and the orientation committee has been planning it for months. Well, since the beginning of the summer I guess ... you haven’t heard of it?
S No, strangely, I haven’t. Well ... who’s going to be there?
G Every single club on campus will be set up in different kiosks, and they will be able to give you all sorts of information. In fact, you’ll probably learn a lot about clubs you hadn’t even thought of! There’s a cooking club, and a hiking club, oh, and a club devoted to exploring the town for people who are new here. There’s a Latin Dancing club, a drama group, a stand-up-comedy league, tons and tons of things. That’s very odd that you haven’t heard about it. Every new student was supposed to have had a brochure about it mailed to them in August.
S Ah, well my parents just moved in July, so my mailing address has been a bit wonky. Perhaps it went astray. But uh ... wow, it’s a barbecue you say?
G Oh yeah! Of course, free hamburgers and veggie-dogs! The whole campus will be there. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people. I was also planning to go. In fact, I’m probably going to walk over there soon. It starts in half an hour. If you want to wait a bit, I’ll go over there with you!
S Yeah, that would be great! Don’t really know my way around much yet. Thanks!
G My pleasure.
G There’s also a two-story weight area with state-of-the-art equipment, free-weights, and resistance machines. Oh, there’s a trampoline room, which is tons of fun. A gorgeous sauna area ... oh, and I almost forgot! An indoor skating rink! Go figure, huh?
What does the guide imply when she says this:
G ... oh, and I almost forgot! An indoor skating rink!
A、Biology students have their own sports teams.
B、There is limited access to sports on campus.
C、The athletic center is close to the biology building.
D、There is a football game about to begin.
细节题 大四的学生向生物系的新生介绍自然科学楼在校园的东面,那里有很多运动器械。如果喜欢运动的话使用起来会很方便。因此C项是正确答案。A项和B项不是对话中的内容。大四学生在介绍在学生活动中心可以看到足球队的训练时提到了足球队的内容,因此D项也是不正确的。
1 ApanelofthegreatandthegoodfromEuropeandtheUnitedStatesrecently
表面活性剂在溴化锂制冷机组中的作用是()。A.强化传热 B.防止锈蚀 C
下面谱例出自哪一部作品() A.《梅花三弄》 B.《阳关三叠》 C.《
某采用经评审的最低投标价法评标的项目,其评标价比较如下: 则第一中标候选人