In this question, you will listen to a conversation. Then you will be asked
In this question, you will listen to a conversation. Then you will be asked
In this question, you will listen to a conversation. Then you will be asked to talk about the information in the conversation and to give your opinion about the ideas presented. After the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak. Listen to a conversation between a student and his professor.
Describe the problem the student has and the two solutions the professor suggests. Explain which you think is the better idea and why.
S Professor Wells? You wanted to talk with me?
P Ah, John. Thank you for stopping by. Actually, I have some really good news for you. Remember I had told you that I would be out of town next week at a conference? Well, you might be out of town with me. It looks like a spot has opened up on one of the panels, and I told the organizers that you would be the perfect person to fill it. I think with your knowledge of Picasso’s art, you’ll be able to make a real contribution to the discussion.
S Wow, that sounds great. I just hope that I’m not getting in over my head. It must be all professors on the panel, right? I’m just a student.
P Don’t worry about that. Sure, most of the other people will be professors, but I’ll be on the panel, too. If there is a question you can’t answer, just turn to me and I’ll save you. Here’s the best part, because you’ll be going to the seminar as a representative of the university, everything will be paid for. Hotel, transportation, even meals are not going to cost you a thing. Don’t pass up this opportunity.
S I would love to go, but I promised the dean of the department that I would oversee the new art exhibit the university is having. We’ve managed to get some really excellent pieces on loan from the Johnson Foundation.
P Is that going to take all your time? I don’t want you to miss this chance to meet so many other people in your field. Maybe you could get someone else, someone you trust with the responsibility, to look after the exhibit for you. I can call the dean and explain everything for you. He won’t mind as long as you provide a good replacement.
S I could ask Jeff to do it, although I would owe him a big favor if I did. I know that he is busy with a lot of other things. He has a lot of exams he has to prepare for. I guess I could offer to help him study when I get back if he does this for me. He would be perfect, too. He knows almost as much about art as I do.
P You could try to do both the panel and the exhibit. How about trying to organize everything over the phone while you’re out of town? But, that might be a bit difficult. Not only will you be on the discussion panel, but I was also hoping to take you around to a lot of the lectures being offered. I don’t know how much time you’d have to be on the phone.
S I guess I never thought of it that way. I really want to have a hand in this exhibit. I need to be able to put something like this on my resume. But, if I can’t do a good job of it, there is no point in doing it at all, is there?
P You’ll have to make that decision yourself. Just let me know by the end of today. I’ll be in my office until six. You have to decide by today, though, because I’ll need to book you a ticket and make all the other arrangements no later than tomorrow.
The student’s problem is that he wants to do two things, but will most likely only have time to do one of them. His professor has invited him to be a part of a discussion panel. At the same time, he has already agreed to help the university organize an art exhibit. The professor suggests that he find someone else who could take over his responsibilities at the exhibit. Another possible solution suggested by the professor is for the student to attend the seminar and try to organize the exhibit over the phone.
I think the student should ask his friend to look after the exhibit for him. He says that his friend knows almost as much about art as he does, so the friend will be able to do a good job. Also, even though he will owe his friend a favor, he can repay it by simply helping him study. Although it would be nice to be able to put on his resume that he helped with the exhibit, it would not look good if he did a really bad job because he was too busy.
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