PROJECT REPORTS Your group’s project report will inform th
PROJECT REPORTS Your group’s project report will inform th
Your group’s project report will inform the class about the objectives and scope of your project. Generally, a project report includes a description of the project’s purpose, activities, results, and conclusions. Each group must submit a formal written report following the guidelines in your textbook. In addition, your group must also present your project to the class. The format of your presentation-the way that you communicate information to your audience-can be handled in a number of ways. Possible formats include an oral report, a media presentation, a product exhibit, a display board, or a Web page.
Now cover the passage and listen to the recording. When you hear the question, begin preparing your response.
the man expresses his preference for the format they should use for their project report. State his preference and explain the reasons he gives for his choice.
Now listen to two students as they discuss their project report.
M: We should decide the format of our presentation ahead of time, even before we do the formal written part.
W: I think we should do an oral report to the class. You and Steve and I could each talk about one part of our project.
M: But we’ve already done lots of oral reports. Why don’t we do something different this time? I’d like to do a Web page. Steve already knows how to do it, and, besides, knowing how to build a Web page is a good skill to have. It will help us in our careers.
W: Hmm. You’re probably right about that.
M: We could be more creative. We could include text from our written report and graphics to make it more interesting. A Web page is the best way to show the results of our survey. And, you know, our classmates are already big users of e-mail and the Web, so isn’t this a natural choice for us?
W: Hmm. Maybe. But won’t it take a lot of time to do?
M: Not really. Let’s talk to Steve. He’s done it before.
W: OK. Let’s see what he thinks.
The students have a choice of several different formats for presenting their projects to the class. The man prefers the format of a Web page.
One reason he gives is that knowing how to build a Web page is a skill that will help in their careers.
Another reason is that they can be more creative and make their report more interesting.
Another reason is that their classmates are already users of the Web, so a Web page is a natural choice.
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