[img]2014m3s/ct_etoefm_etoefspeakb_0175_20138[/img] [originaltext]The woman succ
[img]2014m3s/ct_etoefm_etoefspeakb_0175_20138[/img] [originaltext]The woman succ
The woman successfully persuaded the man to be a volunteer in the international conference. Explain her reasons why the man should go and be a volunteer in the conference.
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Now read the passage about genetically modified food. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage.
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Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a genetics class.
Just now, we discussed the principles of GE food. Well, at the moment, there is much controversy surrounding GE food. Some people claim GE food is safe for humans and safe for environment and will benefit everyone. Some say they support research into GE food ’cause they recognize the possible benefits for economic food supply in the future. But nothing has yet been proved for this new technology and the risks are so great that it is wise to go slow. None of the GE foods so far produced are at all necessary. So why are they being sold? Why not wait longer until more scientific trials are carried out?
Well, there are also some people saying no to GE foods. They are not worth the risk to the environment and our health. They say, ah...organic or semi-organic farming is the answer to feeding the world. This type of farming needs lots of labor, but needs no debt and no large corporations. Others are even angry-—GE foods are already being sold and there is no way for consumers to know if they are genetically modified. They feel they have been tricked by big corporations and they do not like being human guinea pigs for this new GE food. They insist on clear labeling on food packaging to show whether GE food products are present.
The woman explained roughly four reasons why the man should go and be a volunteer in the conference. First, for a student, it is very helpful to participate in academic lectures or conferences, from which he can learn a lot of things that are rarely heard in class or hardly seen in textbooks. This is what the woman’s tutor tells her to do. Second, working as a volunteer in the international conference provides the man with a good chance to broaden his horizons in his academic study. Third, in the conference, the man can meet a lot of famous scholars in his academic field, and thus update his knowledge. Fourth, what the man will gain from the work in the conference is worth much more than the time he spends on it.
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