Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 wor
Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 wor
Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily.
Alexander was a brilliant military strategist. He defeated the Persian army and conquered the empire. But he needed a way of uniting the kingdom behind him. Considering the visual techniques used by Darius, he found that he could use his portrait to persuade his new subjects that he was invincible. He may have the perfect image, but it was useless unless he could get it circulated to the people who mattered most —his new subjects. He had to find a way of reminding his subjects of who was in charge, that is, a face on a coin. He established 30 mints producing the coins with each one that had a head closely resembling his own. His successors followed his deeds and the association with Alexander also gave them authority. Since then, the power of the human face continues to shape our political landscape today. Leaders in the ancient world, as well as today’s politicians are using this technique to persuade the subjects.
Alexander was a brilliant military strategist. In just a few short years he defeated the Persian army and captured the city. But that was just the start of his ambitions. Alexander wanted much more than simply to conquer. He needed a way of uniting the Persian empire behind him. But how, as a foreign invader, would he ever win the hearts and minds of his new subjects? Alexander understood the power of the visual techniques used by Darius. But he had to come up with an image all of his own.
Alexander had discovered he could use his portrait to persuade his new subjects that he was invincible. It was an image to inspire admiration and respect and was worthy of replacing the King of Persia himself.
Alexander may have had the perfect image, but it was useless unless he could get it circulated to the people who mattered most -- his new subjects. Today we take it for granted just how easy it is to distribute an image. At the press of a button, you can send a picture to vast numbers of people almost anywhere in the world. But for Alexander, of course, things weren’t so simple. He needed to find a way of giving his subjects a daily reminder of who was in charge. This is what he came up with —a face on a coin. He established 30 mints, producing thousands of these throughout his empire. And on each one it had a head closely resembling his own. Alexander had found a perfect way to spread his image throughout the empire. For generations, Alexander’s successors would produce coins with his face on them. Any association with Alexander would also give them authority.
It was a brilliant idea, and one which leaders ever since have used as a daily reminder of who’s in charge. And, of course, the power of the human face continues to shape our political landscape today.
Over thousands of years, leaders in the ancient world discovered the extraordinary power of art to persuade. They realized its potential to promote themselves and their ideas. Today’s politicians are using techniques very similar to those invented by leaders thousands of years ago. Both exploit the same universal human traits. The leaders of the past used paint and marble. Today’s politicians-- digital technology. But we humans remain as vulnerable as ever were to the persuasive power of art.
(1) Alexander had discovered he could use his portrait to persuade his new subjects that he was invincible.
(2) This is what he came up with -- a face on a coin.
(3) It was a brilliant idea, and one which leaders ever since have used as a daily reminder to us all of who’s in charge.
(4) Over thousands of years, leaders in the ancient world discovered the extraordinary power of art to persuade.
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