⑴ 故宫博物院成立于1925年,位于明清两朝的历代皇宫内。⑵ 这一宏大的建筑群,又称为紫禁城,以其海量的绘画、书法、陶瓷以及皇家的收藏成为中国乃至世界上

游客2025-01-24  1

问题     ⑴ 故宫博物院成立于1925年,位于明清两朝的历代皇宫内。⑵ 这一宏大的建筑群,又称为紫禁城,以其海量的绘画、书法、陶瓷以及皇家的收藏成为中国乃至世界上享誉盛名的博物馆之一。⑶ 1961年,国务院确定故宫为中国首批文物保护单位之一。⑷ 1987年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列入“世界文化遗产”名录。
    ⑸ 紫禁城四面围有高10米的城墙,城外有宽52米宽的护城河。⑹ 园区南北长961米,东西长753米,建筑面积120万平方米。⑺ 这个长方形的城池每一面都有一座城门。⑻ 南面为午门,北面为神武门,东门和西门都是寓意繁荣:东华门和西华门。⑼ 从南门进入,游客将看到在中轴线两侧分布着一系列的大厅和宫殿。⑽ 富丽堂皇的建筑物的泛光的黄色屋顶似乎悬浮在红墙之上。⑾ 加上雕梁画栋,这座古代建筑显得愈发宏伟壮丽。⑿ 虽然紫禁城曾是一个牢不可破的堡垒,但故宫现在是一个公共博物馆。⒀ 陈列在整个建筑群画廊大厅里的藏品,随着数字技术的发展,它们变得越来越容易被人们所了解。


答案     ⑴Established in 1925, the Palace Museum is located in the imperial palace of the consecutive Ming and Qing dynasties. ⑵The magnificent architectural complex, also known as the Forbidden City, and the vast holdings of paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, and antiquities of the imperial collections make it one of the most prestigious museums in China and the world. ⑶In 1961, the State Council designated the former imperial residence as one of China’s foremost-protected cultural heritage sites, ⑷and in 1987 it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
    ⑸The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre-high walls and a 52-metre-wide moat. ⑹Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, the complex covers an area of 1, 200,000 square meters. ⑺Each side of the rectangular city has a gate. ⑻These four gates are the Meridian Gate (Wu men) on the south, the Gate of Divine Prowess (Shenwu men) on the north, and the East and West Prosperity Gates: Donghua men and Xihua men. ⑼Entering from the south, visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of the central axis, ⑽The glowing yellow roofs of the stately buildings seem to levitate above the vermilion walls. ⑾This magnificent sight is amplified by the painted ridges and carved beams of the ancient structures. ⑿Although the Forbidden City used to be an impenetrable fortress, the imperial palace is now a public museum. ⒀The collection, displayed in gallery halls throughout the complex, is becoming increasingly accessible with digital technologies.

解析     1.⑵句除了参考译文的译法,还可以考虑用boast一词先在主句中引出藏品内容,再用which引导的非限制性定语从句译出“成为中国乃至世界上享誉盛名的博物馆之一”,即译为The magnificent architectural complex,also known as the Forbidden City,boasts the vast holdings of…collections,which make it one of the most prestigious museums in China and the world.
    2.⑸句中“四面围有”除了可以用最直观的be surrounded/enclosed by外,还可以运用形象思维,联想到围墙与护城河对紫禁城的安全保卫作用,据此运用be defended/guarded by sth. all around。
    3.⑺句与⑻句除了参考译文的译法,还可合译为一句,使用伴随状语详细介绍东南两北四个门,即处理为Each side of the rectangular city has a gate,with the Meridian Gate(Wu men)on the south,the Gate of Divine Prowess(Shenwu men)on the north,and the East and West Prosperity Gates:Donghua men and Xihua men。注意在翻译故宫的城门及宫殿名称时,要将名称中各汉字的内涵译成对应的英文形式,在介绍性文本中最好在译名后用括号标出其罗马拼音。
    4.⑼句逗号后的部分在英译时可调整语序,先译出游客“看见”的内容——即“大厅和宫殿”,再用动名词短语spreading out引出原文的地点状语“在中轴线两侧”,将其转换为译文宾语的后置定语。
    6.⑿句中逗号前的分句除了可以用常规的主谓宾句式翻译外,还可使用成分转换的翻译策略,用Despite引出并将原文中“堡垒”一词模糊化,定语“牢不可破”转换为名词中心语,译为Despite its past impenetrability,the Forbidden City is now a public museum.