
游客2025-01-18  9

问题     国有商业银行在市场化转型中已经取得重大进展。新增贷款质量明显好转,存量信贷结构有所优化,机构、人员得到精简,技术与业务创新能力增强,国际化经营步伐加快,资产质量出现了实质性好转,经营效益连创历史最好水平,与国际商业银行的差距正在不断缩小。//
    对中国银行、保险、证券业进行国际比较,从规模实力看,仅中国的银行也比较具备成为国际大银行的条件。这是中国金融业竞争力的重要体现。如果剔除大量提取拔备、核销历史上造成的坏账及财务损失,中国商业银行的盈利能力还是不错的。//以工商银行为例。 2001年实现提取拔备前的利润340亿元,比上年增长255%;今年一季度提取拔备前利润比去年同期又增长50%。这说明了中国商业银行具备了自身化解风险的能力。按现有的发展趋势看,通过5年的努力,将工商银行的不良贷款率降到一位数是可能的。//


答案     In the process of transition to market economy, the state-owned commercial banks have already made significant progress. The quality of loan incremental is far better, the credit structure is somewhat optimized, the institutions and staff streamlined, capacity for technological and operational innovation strengthened, the internationalization of the business sped up and assets quality improved substantially. The profits of these banks have reached all time high for several years in a row and the gap with international commercial banks is narrowing down。//
    As China is transforming from the planned economy to a market economy, the state-owned commercial banks face some problems that need to be addressed, such as poor assets quality, heavy financial burden, irrational business and profit structure, unsound management and lack of innovation capability. //
    There are many deep-rooted historical and institutional reasons for these problems: First and foremost, the bank is covering the cost of economic transition. In China, the allocation of funds is mainly conducted through indirect bank financing with an underdeveloped capital market and too much use of credit. Most of the enterprises have a lack or capital and a high asset-liability ratio. As a result, the huge transformation cost, such as the loss of enterprises for bankruptcy and out of the market, is in the form of existing or potential non-performing loans. // In addition, the government’s too much intervention on credit extension and excessive distribution of loan granting quota, the lack of credit culture among the general public are also reasons leading to problems. Within the bank, old-fashioned set-up and peter management are among the root causes. //
    But I have full confidence in the future of China’s commercial banks. They have all the conditions and capabilities to overcome the current difficulties and tackle the challenges. //
    First, the Chinese Government attaches great importance to the development of commercial banks. It has taken such measures as new capital allocation of 270 billion yuan and transferring bad loans amounting to 1300 billion yuan. The just-concluded national financial work conference has laid out the road map for comprehensive state- owned commercial bank reform. The importance given by the government is a safeguard for the sound development of these banks. //
    Second, the sustained and strong economic growth is an important foundation and condition for the development of these banks. For the banking systems in the world, there are two situations as far as the banking system and economic development is concerned. One is that such an unsound system is coupled with difficulties in economic growth, then it would be hard to cope with the problems within the banking system. The other case is that despite the unsound system, there is strong economic growth, then it is easier to dissolve the risks in the banking system. China falls into the second category. //
    When we compare China’s banking, insurance and securities sectors with the rest of the world, the banking sector alone has the strength and scale of growing into world-class banks. This is an important indication of China’s financial competitiveness. If the loan lost provision is set aside and the bad loans carried over from the past is written off, the profit-making ability of China’s commercial banks is fairly good. // Take the Industrial and Commercial Bank as an example, its profit before setting aside loan lost provision reached 34 billion yuan in 2001, a 225% increase over the previous year. The figure for the first quarter of this year is 50% higher than that of the same period last year. This shows that the Chinese commercial banks have the ability to dissolve risks. If it grows in this way, in 5 years’ time, the Industrial and Commercial Bank will be able to lower the non-performing loan ration to one digit. //
    ("State-owned Commercial Bank Reform in China against the Backdrop of WTO", delivered by Mr. Jiang Jianqing, President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, at the 2002 Boao Forum)
