下面你将听到一段有关室内空气污染与健康的讲话。 [originaltext] Today, I am going to talk about hou
下面你将听到一段有关室内空气污染与健康的讲话。 [originaltext] Today, I am going to talk about hou
Today, I am going to talk about household air pollution and health. Do you know that around 3 billion people cook using polluting open fires or simple stoves fueled by kerosene, biomass and coal? Each year, close to 4 million people die prematurely from illness attributable to household air pollution from inefficient cooking practices using polluting stoves, paired with solid fuels and kerosene. Household air pollution causes non-communicable diseases including stroke, heart disease, and lung cancer. Close to half of deaths due to pneumonia among children under 5 years of age are caused by particulate matter inhaled from household air pollution.
The 3 billion people who still cook in open fires and inefficient stoves are most poor, and live in low-and middle-income countries. The inefficient cooking practices use fuels and technologies that produce high levels of household air pollution. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth. Without a substantial policy change, the total number of people lacking access to clean fuels and technologies will remain largely unchanged by 2030 and therefore hinder the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
For example, fuel gathering increases the risk of health damage, consumes considerable time for women and children, limits other productive activities, such as income generation, and takes children away from school. In less secure environments, women and children are at risk of injury and violence during fuel gathering. Black carbon and methane emitted by inefficient stove combustion are powerful climate change pollutants. Many of the fuels and technologies used by households for cooking, heating and lighting present safety risks. The ingestion of kerosene is the leading cause of childhood poisonings, and a large fraction of the severe burns and injuries occurring in low-and middle-income countries are linked to household energy use for cooking, heating and/or lighting.
Therefore, the WHO provides technical support to countries in their own evaluations and scale-up of health-promoting household fuels and technologies. The WHO is building capacity at the country and regional level to address household air pollution through direct consultations and workshops on household energy and health. To ensure healthy air in and around the home, the WHO’s Guidelines for indoor air quality: household fuel combustion provide health-based recommendations on the types of fuels and technologies to protect health as well as strategies for the effective dissemination and adoption of such home energy technologies. These build upon existing WHO outdoor air quality guidelines and WHO guidance on levels of specific indoor pollutants.
Meanwhile, the WHO is using a Household energy database to monitor global progress in the transition to cleaner fuels and stove combinations in households. It supports assessments of disease burden from the household air pollution generated from the use of polluting fuel and technologies. Currently the database includes housing data from more than 1,100 surveys, representing 157 countries. It has been expanded to include information on household fuels and technologies used for heating and lighting. Besides, reductions in air pollution-related disease burden, both for household and outdoor, will be used to monitor the progress towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goal on Health.
Ensuring universal access to clean fuel and technologies is a target of the Sustainable Development Goal on energy. Achieving this goal could prevent millions of deaths and improve the health and well-being of the billions of people relying on polluting technologies and fuels for cooking, heating and lighting. To better assess the health risks of household energy use, as well as differentiated gender impacts from household energy practices, the WHO is leading an effort with countries and surveying agencies to enhance, harmonize and pilot questions for national censuses and surveys. The effort will ensure that surveys better capture information on all the fuels and technologies used in the home for cooking, heating and lighting, as well as other impacts like time lost to fuel collection disaggregated by sex.
这30亿仍然使用明火和低效炉灶进行烹饪的人,大多数家境贫寒,生活在低收入和中等收入国家。采用效率低下的烹饪做法,使用的燃料和技术会造成室内空气的高度污染,而妇女和年幼儿童在炉边待的时间最长,所接触的污染特别多。如果不在政策方面做出重大调整,到2030年,无法获得清洁燃料和技术的总人数将基本保持不变,因此会妨碍实现联合国《2030 年可持续发展议程》。
确保普及清洁燃料和技术是能源相关可持续发展目标的一项具体目标。实现该目标将可防止数百万人死亡,并改善依赖污染性燃料和技术进行烹饪、取暖和照明的数十亿人的健康与福祉。为了更好地评估家用能源的健康风险以及家用能源使用对男女的不同影响,世卫组织正带领各国和调查机构共同开展一项工作, 旨在加强、统一并试行国家普查和问卷的问题。这项工作将确保通过调查更好地收集关于家庭烹饪、取暖和照明所用各种燃料和技术的信息,以及按性别分类的用于收集燃料的时间损失等其他影响。
(1)第一段的首句表明了本文的主要内容。本段主要讲述室内污染带来的危害,包含了大量列举及并列成分,信息量比较大,考验译员听辨及记忆能力。biomass 译作“生物质”,是太阳能以化学能形式贮存在生物中的能量形式,可转化为常规的固态、液态和气态燃料,取之不尽、用之不竭,是一种可再生能源,同时也是唯一一种可再生的碳源。
(2)第二段主要论述遭到室内污染影响的人群。the total number of people lacking access to clean fuels and technologies可译作“无法获得清洁燃料和技术的总人数”。在翻译该词组时,由于中英两种语言的差异,译文将定语进行了前置处理。在翻译结构类似的其他表达时,也可采取该策略,使译文符合译语使用习惯。2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development译作“《2030 年可持续发展议程》”。该《议程》在联合国大会第七十届会议上通过并于2016年1月1日正式启动,《议程》 呼吁各国采取行动,为今后15年实现17项可持续发展目标而努力。
(3)第三段以收集燃料为例,论述了妇女与儿童这两个弱势人群最易受到伤害。The ingestion of kerosene is the leading cause of childhood poisonings, and a large fraction of the severe burns and injuries occurring in low- and middle-income countries are linked to household energy use for cooking, heating and/or lighting 一句较长,听辨时需要进行快速分析。该句由两个短句组成,第一句句子成分较简单,第二句主语比较长,且句子成分比较复杂,在听辨时应当抓住各成分信息,将长句进行切分,可译作“ 摄入煤油是儿童中毒的主要原因。在低收入和中等收入国家发生的严重烧伤和伤害,其中很大部分与家庭用来烹饪、取暖和/或照明的能源有关。”
(4)第四段的主要内容为世卫组织在缓解室内污染上采取的行动,例证较多,信息比较密集,译员在听辨时应当全神贯注,理清各句子间的逻辑,做好笔记。the WHO’s Guidelines. for indoor air quality: household fuel combustion译作“《世卫组织室内空气质量指南:家用燃料燃烧》
(5)第五段的主要内容为世卫组织利用数据监控技术来应对室内污染问题。Sustainable Development Goal译为“可持续发展目标”。2015年9月,各国领导人在联合国召开会议,通过了可持续发展目标。该目标为2015年后发展议程的目标,含17项,旨在为下一个15年世界的发展提出目标。
(6)第六段讲述室内污染对家庭以及男女的不同影响。本段信息比较密集,但句型及表达并不复杂,听辨时做好笔记,保证译文信息的完整性。Ensuring universal access to clean fuel and technologies is a target of the Sustainable Development Goal on energy. Achieving this goal…这句话里Achieving this goal中的goal指的是前文提到的Ensuring universal access to clean fuel and technologies.在做笔记时,可以通过箭头等符号体现两句主语间的关系,帮助译员增强笔记简洁度的同时,也能更好地体现句子间的逻辑。在处理类似的情况时,都可以采取这种方法。
RLA步态分析中对骨盆后倾的定义正确的是A.一侧骨盆高出正常水平 B.骨盆后倾
学校健康教育的对象包括A.婴幼儿和学龄前儿童 B.中、小学生 C.大学生
隧道施工中,应对地面、地层和支护结构进行动态监测,并及时( )。A.采取措施