下面你将听到一段有关青少年发展的讲话。 [originaltext] Today, there are 1.8 billion young people
下面你将听到一段有关青少年发展的讲话。 [originaltext] Today, there are 1.8 billion young people
Today, there are 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 in the world. It is the largest cohort in human history. Meeting their needs will be a big challenge. But it’s also a big opportunity. They hold our shared future in their hands. Every day, we read about young people lending their ideas and passions to fighting for change, social change, political change, change in their communities. Imagine what they’ll create: breakthroughs, inventions and maybe new medicines, new modes of transportation, new ways to communicate, sustainable economies and maybe even a world at peace. But this opportunity, this youth dividend, is not a given. //
Two hundred million adolescents are out of school worldwide, about the population of Brazil. And those that are in school feel that they may not be getting the right skills. Globally, six in 10 children and young people do not meet the minimum proficiency level for reading and mathematics. No country can be successful if nearly half of its population of young people is unable to read or write. And what about the lucky few who are in secondary school? Many of them are dropping out because they’re worried that they’re not getting skills that they can use to make a livelihood. And sometimes, their parents can no longer afford the fees. It’s a tragedy. //
Young people are worried that they’re not getting the skills that they need. And again, they’re right. We are finding ourselves at a time when the world is changing so fast for work. We’re in the fourth industrial revolution. Young people do not want to be on the farms and in rural communities. They want to go to the cities. They want to learn future skills for future work. They want to learn digital technology and green technologies. They want to have a chance to learn modern agriculture. They want to learn business and entrepreneurship so that they can create a business of their own. //
These urgent crises may not be the reality in your life or in your neighborhood. And perhaps you’ve had the opportunities for a good education and for marketable skills, and for getting a job. And maybe you’ve never faced violence, or prejudice, or discrimination. But there are tens of millions of young people who are not so lucky. And they are sounding alarm for their futures. There are goals and ideas put forward to relieve the situation. But these ideas and programs are just a start. They’ll only reach a fraction of the young people that we need to reach. We want to take these ideas and find ways to scale them up, to reach more young people in more communities, in more places around the world. //
Can each one of us help? In our everyday lives and in our workplaces, are there ways that we could support young people? Young people are asking us for apprenticeships, for job shadowing, for internships. Young people are also asking us for work-study programs, places where they can learn and earn. Young people are also saying that they want to help other young people. They want more space and more voice, so that they can gather to help each other in HIV centers, in refugee camps, but also to stop online bullying and early child marriage. //
We need ideas. We need ideas that are big and small, ideas that are local and global. This, in the end, is our responsibility. A massive generation of young people are about to inherit our world. It is our duty to leave a legacy of hope and opportunity for them but also with them. Young people are 25 percent of our population. But they are 100 percent of our future. And they’re calling out for a fighting chance to build a better world. So their call should be our calling, the calling of our time. The time is now, the need is urgent. 1.8 billion young people are waiting. //
(1) 文章第一段中,we read about young people lending their ideas and passions to fighting for change,social change,political change,change in their communities可采用适当的翻译策略,使译文更为流畅。lend to可省译,fighting for change,social change,political change,change in their communities可增译“包括……变化”。因此,本句可译为“我们每天都能从年轻人的诸多想法中感受到他们努力求变的热情,包括呼吁社会改变、政治改变,甚至是在社区中进行应有的改变”。
(2) 第二段的内容比较简单,信息密度不大。需注意的是句子Globally, six in 10 children and young people do not meet the minimum proficiency level for reading and mathematics。Proficiency译为“精通,熟练”,而minimum proficiency level可译为“最低水平”。全句可译为“在全世界每十名孩童和年轻人中,就有六名在阅读能力和计算能力上无法达到最低标准”。
(3) 第四段中,And perhaps you’ve had opportunities for a good education and for marketable skills,and for geeing a job一句可使用重复的翻译策略加强译文的语气,可以将opportunity重复译为“有机会”。因此,本句可译为“可能你有机会获得良好的教育,有机会习得市场上需要的技能,有机会找到工作”。
(4) 第四段中,We want to take these ideas and find ways to scale them up to reach more young people in more communities,in more places around the world一句需注意scale up和to reach more young people in more communities,in more places around the world的翻译,scale up意为“扩大,增大”,此处可意译为“普及”。to reach more young people in more communities,in more places around the world可变换主语为“全世界更多地方、更多社区中的年轻人”。
(5) 第五段需注意句子young people are asking US for apprenticeships,for job shadowing,for internships。该句中有几个词汇为口译时的难点。Apprenticeship译为“学徒工作”;job shadowing译为“工作见习”,internship译为“实习”。
(6) 第六段中,We need ideas that are big and small. ideas that are local and global一句有两个定语从句,由that引导,修饰idea,在翻译时可进行适当增译。若将该句直译为“需要大大小小的想法,地方和全球的想法”过于生硬,可适当增译“来自本地或全世界的想法”。
国家政权属于()A.社会的经济基础 B.社会的上层建筑 C.社会的物质生活
下列邪气哪项易袭人体阳位A.燥 B.风 C.寒 D.暑 E.湿
左边给定的是多面体的外表面,右边哪一项能由它折叠而成?请把它找出来。 A.如图
()是社会工作者区别于一般助人者的明显之处。A.服务对象 B.社会工作者
防卫过当是指防卫行为()。 A.超过必要限度造成不应有的损害的 B.明显超
在招募中使用金字塔模型,可以帮助组织确定合理的招募()。A.预算 B.时间