History casts a long shadow. Many of the first bacteria to be discovered wer
History casts a long shadow. Many of the first bacteria to be discovered wer
History casts a long shadow. Many of the first bacteria to be discovered were agents of disease, and that is how most people perceive bacteria to this day, even though less than 1% of them are pathogens. Something similar is turning out to be true of viruses, as Marilyn Roossinck of Pennsylvania State University told the AAAS meeting in Boston. Dr Roossinck works on plant viruses and she has assembled evidence suggesting a lot of such viruses are harmless to their hosts, and in some cases may actually be beneficial. That has implications for biology. It also has implications for agriculture.
Plant viruses come in two varieties: acute and persistent. Acute viruses pass from plant to plant, and often cause recognisable symptoms of disease. Persistent viruses are passed by a plant to its offspring in its seeds, rather than from one grown plant to another. They persist at low levels in a plant and rarely cause recognisable adverse symptoms. Scientific research concentrates on acute viruses, for obvious reasons. But this has created an impression that most plant viruses are acute. Dr Roossinck suspected that was not true and decided to find out. Using the tools of modern genetics, she searched thousands of plant species in two locations(one in Oklahoma and one in Costa Rica)for viral RNA. Like its cousin DNA, RNA molecules are long strands. Unlike DNA, which is usually double-stranded, RNA is usually single-stranded. Except in viruses, where it also has two strands. That makes viral RNA easy to isolate and identify, which Dr Roossinck did.
She found thousands of new viruses in her trawl, and their mixture was strikingly different from that of known plant viruses. The viral world is divided into families, and, as far as is known, all members of a given family are either acute or persistent. Though most of the viruses in Dr Roossinck’s net were new to science, their RNA gave away which family they belonged to. Around half, it turned out, were persistent viruses. Previous data had suggested that figure was less than 1%. What benefits these viruses might confer is hard to determine, because in most cases all members of a plant species are infected, so no virus-free individuals exist to make the comparison. But Dr Roossinck has come across some examples of viruses that do help their hosts.
One discovery was the result of an experiment that attempted to use a virus to smuggle a gene into a plant, called Nicotiana benthamiana, that is widely used in botanical experiments. She and her colleagues found by chance that the virus conferred resistance to drought on this plant, and further experiments with a related virus showed that was true of 15 other plant species, too. These viruses, admittedly, are acute. But she also has an example of a beneficial persistent virus. Her examination of a grass species growing in the hot and hostile environment of a geyser field in Yellowstone park showed that its heat tolerance was conferred by a virus that lives in a fungus which is, itself, symbiotic with the grass: no virus, no heat tolerance.
Dr Roossinck is now doing experiments in Costa Rica to look at virally induced heat tolerance in a range of plants and hopes to extend these in order to disentangle the advantages to their hosts of other sorts of persistent viruses. That would help to illuminate a view which is held by a rapidly increasing number of biologists, that many creatures(humans included)rely on symbiosis, rather than being self-sufficient. In the human case the symbionts are gut bacteria that help to process food, and also to regulate physiology.
Dr Roossinck’s work may have applications, too. Plant breeders and genetic engineers have been trying for years to confer drought-resistance on crops. Her studies suggest they are using the wrong approach. Instead of trying to improve the crops’ own genes they should be looking at the crops’ viruses and, paradoxically from the traditional point of view about viruses, actually infecting plants with new viral strains rather than doing everything in their power to keep crops virus-free. [br] The concentration of previous scientific research on acute plant viruses______.
A、reveals the differences between the two varieties of plant viruses
B、leads to the one-sided impression that the majority of viruses are acute
C、has laid the foundation for Dr Roossinck’s investigation later
D、is based on the theory of modern genetics and genome technology
全断面法可用于()围岩的中小跨度隧道。A.I~Ⅱ级 B.I~Ⅲ级 C.Ⅱ~
参与淋巴细胞归巢的黏附分子是:A、CD44 B、L-选择素 C、CLA D
衰退期财务战略是( )。A.积极扩张型 B.吸纳权益资本筹集 C.
《反不正当竞争法》不禁止的行为是( )。A:假冒行为 B:虚假的宣传行为
与氟尿嘧啶抗肿瘤机制有关的是A:阻止肌苷酸转化,干扰嘌呤代谢 B:抑制脱氧胸苷
A.苯丙素低聚体 B.去甲木脂素 C.木脂素 D.新木脂素 E.杂木脂素
职业责任保险的承保方式,包括()。 A.以索赔为基础的承保方式 B.以
当实际期指低于无套利区间的下界时,反向套利才能够获利。( )
A.卫生行政部门或单位给予处分 B.医疗机构依法承担赔偿 C.工商行政部门吊