
游客2025-01-03  7

问题    汉、唐时期既是经济繁荣的盛世,也是中外交流的盛世。张骞出使西域,开拓举世闻名的“丝绸之路”;玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化;明代郑和七下西洋,把中华文化传向远方的国度。但是后来,特别是清代晚期,封建统治者实行闭关锁国的政策,阻碍了中国的进步和中外交流。鸦片战争以来,一代又一代先进的中国人为了振兴中华,努力向西方国家学习先进的科学思想和文明成果,并同中国的实际相结合,推动了中国社会的变革与发展。


答案    The Han and Tang were both dynasties of economic prosperity as. well as flourishing international exchanges. The trips of imperial envoy Zhang Qian to the Western regions opened up the world-famous Silk-Road; Eminent Monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty made a long journey and brought back ancient culture of South Asian countries in the form of Buddhist sutras. In the Ming Dynasty, Chinese navigator Zheng He led fleets to what was then called the "West Sea" seven times, spreading the Chinese culture to distant lands. Only later on, especially in the late Qing Dynasty, did the feudal rulers adopt a policy of seclusion, which hampered China’s progress and its exchanges with the outside world. After the Opium War, generation after generation of enlightened Chinese people have, for national rejuvenation,  spared no efforts in learning from Western countries’ advanced scientific ideas and fruits of civilisation, which in combination with China’s realities pushed forward China’s social reforms and development.
