
游客2025-01-01  7

问题    地势崎岖不平,对于一百多年前铺设这条轨道的人们来说,必定是一项险恶的任务。加拿大太平洋铁路公司率先修建了第一条全长4600公里,横贯加拿大的铁路。1885年 11月7日在英属哥伦比亚境内一个小居民点最后一根道钉楔人地下时,铺轨任务宣告完成。大约有一万名主要来自中国的劳工修建了这条铁路。他们都是从加利福尼亚州雇用来的,以前在那里一直做类似的工作,以每天一美元的报酬,出卖体力和血汗。这条铁路用了四年半时间建成——比估计的少六年。


答案    The terrain is so rugged that it must have been a grim task indeed for the men who laid this track more than a century ago.
   The Canadian Pacific Railway Company spearheaded the construction of Canada’s first 4,600km-long transcontinental railway.  The track-laying was pronounced complete on November 7,1885 when the last spike was driven into the ground at a small settlement in British Columbia. Some 10,000 labourers, mainly from China, built the railway. They were hired from California, where they had been doing similar work and were paid a dollar a day for their muscle and sweat.  The railway took four and a half years to complete construction--six years less than had been estimated.
