It is lunehtime at the Chateau de Bellerive, Prinee Sadruddin Aga Khan’s hom
It is lunehtime at the Chateau de Bellerive, Prinee Sadruddin Aga Khan’s hom
It is lunehtime at the Chateau de Bellerive, Prinee Sadruddin Aga Khan’s home on Lake Geneva. His guests are being served the elegant food associated with the prince’s kitchen. But the prince and his wife Catherine are content to have a dish of brown rice and an accompanying salad. Can it be that they are not hungry., or is the price making a gesture: that aithough he is a rich man he has humble tastes? No one is so polite as to ask, but the guests may talk about it later.
Sadruddin was disappointed that his father did not name him as the next leader. But father apparently believed that his son lived only for pleasure. Sadruddin’s much publicized life with his first wife Nina, a model, may have made it seem so. " Myths and labels become attached to people," he remarked later, "giving them a reputation that does not always correspond to reality. "It could be that his father had mixed up Sadruddin with his half brother Aly, who was briefly married to Rita Hayworth, a Hollywood star, and was indeed a
. In the event, when the Aga Khan died in 1957, the crown, and the title Aga Khan IV, went to Sadruddin’s nephew, the present holder.
Sadruddin was then 24. At that age disappointments can usually be overcome, particularly if, like the prince, you have advantages. He had had an elitist education, at Le Rosay in Switzerland and Harvard. He spoke several languages, including French from his mother, a Parisian, and Persian and English from his father. The amount of his persona] fortune was unknown but it was certainly adequate. With these assets to sustain him, Sadruddin discovered what was to be his life’s work, to improve the lot of the world’s refugees.
Like many people who came to do good work for the United Nations, Sadruddin drifted into the organization, rather than setting out to make it his career. As a student he started an art collection that eventually became one of the finest in private hands. He became concerned about the fate of Nubian statues threatened by the construction of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, and in 1958 was taken on as an adviser by UNESCO, the UN’s cultural branch. He discovered that the dam not only threatened Nubian statues but that some 100, 000 Nubian people were being moved from their traditional homes. People were clearly more important that statues, however precious. Those Nubians were eventually resettled in Egypt, albeit in inferior territory. In 1959 Sadruddin became an assistant to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and applied to the job the code of morality and responsibility of his faith. He was made deputy high commissioner in 1962 and in 1965 at the age of 32 was appointed to the top job.
He was good at getting rich countries be generous. Perhaps only a rich man can be successful beggar. The elder George Bush was a friend: they played tennis together. Mr Bush found the urbane European an agreeable contrast to his Texas circle.
Sadruddin stepped down after 12 years, the longest any refugee chief has held the job. He seemed the favorite to become the N’s secretary generaL in 1981, but the Soviet Union vetoed his candidature, claiming he was too pro-western, and vetoed his again in 1991. Around that time stories circulate that the prince was a secret agent for the British, using his job as a cover for the intelligence gathering. It was almost certainly nonsense, but the Russians may have believed it. Sadruddin insisted that he had equal sympathies with eastern and western peoples. His description of himself as "a citizen of the world" was a fair one.
He bore this second big disappointment was the realization of how little had been done tor the world’s poor. In a speech not long ago he said that in 80 countries people’s incomes were lower than they were ten years earlier. The numbers of people in poverty, earning less than $1 a day, was stuck at 1.2 billion. His meal of brown rice was a heart-felt gesture. Give him that. [br] The author is likely to agree that
A、Sadruddin only sought pleasure in his early life.
B、Sadruddin’s father didn’t pass the crown to him because of misunderstanding.
C、Prince Sadruddin always supported western countries rather than eastern countries.
D、Prince Sadruddin achieved little as refugee chief of UN.
态度题。第六段讲述他没能当选联合国秘书长是因为前苏联认为他亲西方。作者认为把Sadruddin说成英国间谍是无稽之谈。Sadrnddin坚持说he had sympathies wifh eastern and western peoples,并将自己描述为a citizen of the world,作者认为这个描述是较好的描述(a fair one),由此可见,说Sadruddin倾向西方国家,作者不会同意,排除[C];第六段中在讲到Sadruddin所做的难民工作时,作者指出“He was good at getting rieh countries to be generous. Perhaps only a rich man can he a successful beggar. ”这些都是肯定了Sadruddin作为联合国难民官员的成就,排除[D];第三段讲述sadruddin的父亲为什么不传位于他,“But father apparently believed that his son lived only for pleasure.”而作者却说“Sadruddin’s much publicized life with his first wife Nina,a model,may have made it seem so”。并接着引用Sadruddin本人的话,说明作者并不赞同其父亲的观点,认为是误解。后面又说他的父亲可能把他和他一个厅为鲁莽的同父异母的兄弟弄混了,更说明作者认为他父亲对他有误会。排除[A],答案为[B]。
正式公开出版物中,可以引用()中的内容。A.期刊所载论文 B.己出版的专著
关于妊娠合并巨细胞病毒说法正确的是A、宫内感染约60% B、多数患儿可以存活
下列关于劳动争议仲裁强制原则的说法。正确的是( )。A.劳动争议双方当事人必须
心理治疗关系的建立原则包括A.单向性、开放性、时限性 B.系统性、单向性、时限