"The Icarus Girl" is the story of 8-year-old Jessamy Harrison, nicknamed Jess.
"The Icarus Girl" is the story of 8-year-old Jessamy Harrison, nicknamed Jess.
"The Icarus Girl" is the story of 8-year-old Jessamy Harrison, nicknamed Jess. The daughter of a Nigerian mother and an English father, she is a troubled child given to tantrums and uncontrollable screaming fits. She has no friends, hates school and is far happier sitting inside a cupboard or writing haiku alone in her bedroom. Quite naturally worded by all this, her mother decides that a change of scenery is in order, so she takes the family away from its home in England and back to Nigeria for a brief visit. Initially, Jess feels out of place there as well — until she meets Titiola, a mysterious girl of exactly her own age, whom she calls TillyTilly.
From the start, there’s something not quite right about TillyTilly: she seems out of proportion. "Was she too tall and yet too ... small at the same time? Was her neck too long? Her fingers?” At first, she merely echoes Jess’s words, but she soon develops into the friend and playmate Jess has never had. Together they have adventures: they manage to break into Jess’s grandfather’s locked study and then into an amusement park (also locked) where the gates magically swing open.
All too quickly, though, the family returns from exotic Nigeria to prosaic England, where Jess is surrounded once again by bullying schoolmates, a hostile teacher and her hateful, doll-like blond cousin, Dulcie. Then, to Jess’s joy, TillyTilly reappears, simply knocking on her door. They play together, go on a picnic, write a poem. But TillyTilly also formulates a plan to "get" Jess’s tormentors.
The reader suspects that TillyTilly is one of those imaginary friends so common to lonely childhoods, and that the strange and sinister events art happening only in Jess’s imagination. But just as Jess herself begins to doubt whether TillyTilly is "really really" there, her playmate’s malevolent magic begins to spread, infecting every corner of Jess’s world.
TillyTilly’s power, at least, is far from imaginary. She reveals that Jess had a twin who died at birth — and that she intends to act on that twin’s behalf. No longer a girl but a hordfic primeval presence, she takes over Jess’s beciroom, turning it from a safe haven into a place of terror. "Stop looking to belong, half-and-half child," TillyTilly intones, "Stop. There is nothing; there is only me, and I have caught you."
Oyeyemi brilliantly conjures up the raw emotions and playground banter of childhood, writing with the confidence and knowledge of one who has only recently left that state herself. Jess’ s schoolmates, her therapist, the people she meets in Africa, even her parents, remain suitably shadowy figures, seen solely through the distorting lens of Jess’s increasingly skewed perception.
"The Icarus Girl" explores the melding of cultures and the dream time of childhood, as well as the power of ancient lore to tint the everyday experiences of a susceptible little girl’s seemingly protected life. Deserving of all its praise, this is a masterly first novel — and a nightmarish story that will haunt Oyeyemi’s readers for months to come. [br] Jess sees the world______.
A、through distorted lens
B、through the eyes of a common girl
C、through the eyes of a foreigner
D、through with a mind that is unsuitably sophisticated
观察小儿结核菌素试验结果的时间是A、73~96小时 B、48~72小时 C、
盐皮质激素的分泌部位是A.肾上腺皮质网状带 B.肾脏皮质 C.肾上腺髓质
手太阴心经联系的脏腑器官有A.大肠 B.胃 C.小肠 D.肺
关于颈外动脉的描述,错误的是A.来源于颈总动脉 B.开始在颈内动脉前内侧,继而
佝偻病的临床表现为A.骨龄落后于年龄,上部量大于下部量,智力低 B.睡眠不安,