
游客2024-12-29  6

问题    敦煌坐落在甘肃省西北的沙漠走廊地带,其西靠近新疆,其东是祁连山脉。这座有两千年历史的古城,曾经是联结中国和中亚的丝绸之路上一个重要的商队驻足地。如今,其吸引来客的主要原因在于:敦煌是世界上已知的佛教艺术的一个最珍贵的宝藏的所在地——莫高窟。据一幅唐石刻所载,此处的石刻始于公元360年。当时一位名叫乐僧的和尚经过该地,看到一千个金佛的景象。随后一千年间,在陡峭的沙岩峭壁上刻出了数以百计的洞穴:所有洞穴成蜂窝状,其间有木制栈道和梯子相接。


答案     Dunhuang is located in the desert corridor of northwestern Gansu Province. It is close to Xinjiang Autonomous Region in the west, and it faces the Qilian Mountains in the east. This ancient city with a history of 2,000 years was an important place for temporary stay for trade caravans on the Silk Road linking China and the Central Asia. At present, the major reason why it attracts visitors is that Dunhuang is the seat of Mogao Grottoes with the most precious treasures of the Buddhist art known in the world. As recorded in a stone inscription of the Tang Dynasty, stones were first carved here around 360 AD. At that time, a monk named Le Seng passed through the place and saw the scene of 1,000 golden Buddhas. One thousand years later, hundreds of caves were carved on the precipitous sand and rock cliff. All of them took shape of beehives linked by plank roads and ladders.

解析 本段翻译运用了转换主语从句、转换定语从句、断句等技巧。本文是一段介绍敦煌概况的记叙文,共有6句话,包含方位词较多,但难度不算大。翻译时应注意先理顺原句要表达的位置关系,描述性的词汇不能遗漏,原文中较长的句子可灵活地作断句处理,使译文整体表述清晰。
   1.翻译第一句话应注意方位词的表达,译文将原句处理为两个句子,“其西靠近……,其东是……”采用close to和face来表达。
   2.商队驻足地:驻足地的意思理解为古时候商人经过此地的临时落脚点,因此用temporary stay for trade caravans就能比较贴切地表达。
   3.第三句包含了若干个并列的形容词修饰莫高窟(Mogao Grottoes),注意英文中这些形容词摆放的顺序是从最接近被修饰语的一个开始翻译。
   4.唐石刻:英文将“唐”字的意思补充完整为Tang Dynasty;石刻始于:使用be first carved的被动句式更符合英文的表达方式。
   6.陡峭的沙岩峭壁:the precipitous sand and rock cliff,中心词是“峭壁”,陡峭和沙岩都是修饰它的形容词。
   7.成蜂窝状:作宾语,译为take shape of beehives,在英文句中作定语修饰them,而them指代前文的hundreds of caves。木制栈道:翻译为plank roads。