People all over the world, old and young, men and women, love sports. They d
People all over the world, old and young, men and women, love sports. They d
People all over the world, old and young, men and women, love sports. They do sports for fun, for fitness, for friendship or for various other reasons. What do you think is most important about doing sports? State your idea with specific reasons.
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support your thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
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Have Good Sportsmanship
Have you noticed what some of us say when we or our team lose in a game? "It wasn’t fair, " says one. "The referee was on their side. ""And did you see the way they played? Pitiful! They never should have won, " adds another. Too often we say so. True, it is not easy for us to take a deep breath and tell the truth, "I think they are really good. I’ m not happy we lost, but I think we did our best. They just played better than we did today. " Sportsmanship is what really counts about sports and what we should cultivate when doing them.
Good sportsmanship is a sign of maturity. A humble attitude towards losing helps us learn more than just athletic skills. We can also acquire an understanding of what good sportsmanship is all about. Good sportsmanship can be the "golden rule" of sports — in other words, we should treat the people that we play with and against as we’d like to be treated ourselves. We demonstrate good sportsmanship when we show respect for ourselves, our teammates, and our opponents. Good sportsmanship takes maturity and courage: when we work really hard, it’s not easy to admit that we haven’t played well or that someone is more skillful than we are. People who have learned good sportsmanship usually find that the positive attitude they’ ve learned on the field applies to other aspects of life. At school, for example, they’re able to appreciate the contributions made by their classmates and they know how to work as part of a team to complete a project. They may enjoy more success at work as well, because good sportsmen respect others, including their coaches and teammates.
Win or lose, sportsmanship helps us get through. It can be just as hard to be a good sportsman when we win a game as when we lose one. We’ ve probably seen athletes who take their own successes too seriously. Good sportsmen, on the other hand, are gracious and generous winners. They acknowledge their victories without humiliating their opponents. They are proud of their success, letting their victories speak for themselves. Even when they win by a landslide, they still find ways to compliment their opponents. When losing a game, people who are good sportsmen congratulate the winners promptly and willingly. They accept the outcome without complaint or excuses, even if they suspect that the referees made some questionable calls. They understand that in sports — as in life — one can not always win but one can learn something from losing.
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