撒谎和利害有关,说谎者总是为趋利避害;如无利害,扯谎作甚? 而人在幼小之时,天真无邪,不明利害,当然也就无需撒谎。因此小孩也极易受骗,对大人的话总是深信

游客2024-12-22  8

问题     撒谎和利害有关,说谎者总是为趋利避害;如无利害,扯谎作甚? 而人在幼小之时,天真无邪,不明利害,当然也就无需撒谎。因此小孩也极易受骗,对大人的话总是深信不疑。有一次乘火车,对座是一位母亲和她的5岁男孩。长途苦旅,我变魔术逗男孩玩耍。我将男孩的帽子摘下,小施手技,作往窗外投掷状。男孩问:“我的帽子呢?”我说:“扔掉了。你吹口气!”男孩就朝我的手吹了口气。不一会儿,帽子又出现在我手中。男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地扔去。这时该轮到我瞪大眼睛了!


答案    Lying is closely related to advantages and disadvantages, and the liar is always motivated by the need to gain advantages and avoid disadvantages. If there are no advantages or disadvantages, why bother lying? As for young children, they are naive and innocent, unaware of advantages and disadvantages. Naturally they need not lie. For the same reason, children are easily deceived, for they always take the words of adults very seriously. Once on a train, a mother and her S-year-old son sat facing me. To relieve the monotony of the long journey, I played magic to entertain the boy. I took off the boy’s cap, played a small trick, and pretended to have thrown the cap out of the window. "Where’s my cap.9" asked the boy. "I’ve thrown it away. " I said. "Just blow." The boy then blew on my hand.
