1. One-to-one interview: one interviewer and one candidate2. Board interview: a
1. One-to-one interview: one interviewer and one candidate2. Board interview: a
1. One-to-one interview: one interviewer and one candidate
2. Board interview: a group of interviewers and a single candidate
3. Group interview: a single interviewer and a group of candidates One-to-one Interview
1. provide the most【1】situation
2. help the interviewer to build up a【2】with the candidate
3. enable the interviewer to learn more about the【3】and make right decisions
1. interviewer’s assessment may be affected by his positive or negative【4】.
2. interview may be so relaxed that the interviewer forgets to【5】certain questions
3. assessment by one person is not【6】.
Board Interview
1.【7】is fairer & people selected reach some kind of common standard
2. the beard is able to cover all【8】areas
3. the board may be more【9】in reaching a decision
4. questioning is【10】& more relevant
Group Interview
…… [br] 【6】
In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE after the mini-lecture. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.
Now listen to the mini-lecture.
Today I’d like to talk to you about types of interview. Interview can be generally classified into three types. Firstly, interviews may be carried out in a one-to-one situation, that is, one interviewer and one candidate. We call this a one-to-one interview. Then there’s another type, a board interview, which means a group of interviewers interview a single candidate. The third type is just the other way round: a single interviewer interviews a group of candidates, which is known as a group interview. Each type of interview has its advantages and disadvantages.
The one-to-one interview is the most common. It has the advantage of being the most natural situation. It is easier to build up a relationship with the candidate; he will feel at ease and will answer questions more fully and more naturally. In this way the interviewer is likely to find out a good deal about the candidate. In particular he will be in a good position to find out whether he would want the candidate to work with him or under him. These advantages carry with them certain disadvantages. The interviewer may be so strongly affected by his own positive or negative feelings that he is unable to assess the candidate fairly. The interview may be so relaxed that the interviewer "forgets" to explore certain areas: it may turn into a conversation about topics of mutual interest. The candidate himself or the interviewer’s organization may feel that the procedure is somewhat unfair; a prospective employee ought not to be accepted or rejected on the basis of an interview with just one person. And, of course, unless the interviewer is highly skilled, the candidate and the organization are right--because the best people are not necessarily going to be selected. The procedure might then be altered to include additional one-to-one interviews.
The next most common type of interview is the board interview. This is usually adopted by larger bureaucratic organizations in order that the selection procedure shall be seen to be fairer to candidates and so that people who are selected reach some kind of common standard, It also has some other advantages. A board may be more conscientious in covering all relevant areas simply because members keep a critical eye on one another. They may also be more careful in reaching a decision based on all available evidence. Often the questioning in a board interview is crisper and more relevant--partly because of the critical presence of other board member and partly because when any particular board member loses inspiration another can take over. Also an inexperienced member can learn from others about questions to ask and the standards to use.
The third type of interview is what we call group interview... [FADE]
埃斯库罗斯最感人的悲剧是( )。A.《波斯人》 B.《七将攻忒拜》 C.《
病毒没有细胞结构,组成其外壳和内芯的物质分别是()。A.核酸和蛋白质 B.
A.蛛网膜下腔出血 B.短暂性脑缺血发作 C.脑栓塞 D.脑出血 E.脑
发生破伤风芽胞梭菌感染是由于A.吃了破伤风芽胞梭菌污染食物 B.劳动时皮肤污染
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