Racial discrimination is about distinguishing among people, showing antipath

游客2024-12-04  23

问题     Racial discrimination is about distinguishing among people, showing antipathy towards some on the basis of race and ethnicity. Almost 40 years after the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act, racism is alive and well in America, just as much as in any other part of the world. From my experience, the American style of racial discrimination can be classified in three ways: hereditary, tactical and inferential.
    There is a professional person I know who, though brilliant in many ways, likes to make openly derogatory remarks about African-Americans. For him, being mean to blacks is part of his heritage. When people are brought up to believe that whites are whites, blacks are blacks, and naturally, Chinese are Chinese, you have a sort of "hereditary" discrimination. This is passed from generation to generation unless something is done about these people’s attitude towards racial differences.


答案     种族歧视就是对人加以区分,对某些种族或民族的人流露出厌恶。在具有里程碑意义的美国《民权法》通过近40年后,种族歧视在美国仍然畅行不衰,与世界其他地方没有两样。根据我个人的经验,美国式的种族歧视可分为三类:遗传型、策略型和推断型。

解析 1、本段围绕种族歧视展开论述,用词正式。把握主题,根据上下文推测生词词义是做好本篇翻译的关键。
2、首段第1句的antipathy可根据racial discrimination“种族歧视”及上下文推测其意为“憎恶,反感”,与sympathy“同情”相对。
3、首段第2句的alive and well是固定短语,意为to be populaur and successful,译为“畅行不衰”,幽默而带有讽刺。Civil Rights Act现译《民权法》(美国),1964年由约翰逊总统签署颁布。
4、末段首句的though brilliant in many ways是让步状语,though后面省略了he is,翻译时添加了主语“他”。
5、末段第2句的being mean to blacks是动名词短语作主语,mean是形容词,意为un—kind,有“刻薄、歹毒”之义,这里结合上下文转译为动词“歧视”。
6、末段第3句be brought up意为“抚养,养育”,这里译为“从小接受的教育”。peolple转译为“一个人”表类属,与之照应,you转译为“他”。when引导的状语从句实际上表示假设,为明晰这种逻辑关系,转译为“如果…”。