Since its founding at the midpoint of the nineteenth century, the Massachusetts

游客2024-11-23  12

问题 Since its founding at the midpoint of the nineteenth century, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been a unique institution. Great institutions of higher education are grounded in and learn from the past; interact to some degree with the world of the present; and aspires to influence the future. MIT is no exception, but in large measure, the institute’s uniqueness derives from the unusual extent of our engagement with the present and dedication to the future. We apply our talents to problems posed by contemporary society—by its institutions of industry, commerce, arts, healing, and politics. Yet our minds are even more firmly engaged in shaping the future. This somewhat singular approach to our mission has enabled us, over the years, to define new forms of research and scholarship, and to establish new paradigms for education.
MIT students, faculty, and staff are deeply engaged in the process of learning in the classroom, in the laboratory, and from each other. There is an exhilarating sense of being at the cutting edge in all that we do. You will find MIT to be intense and demanding, yet the atmosphere here is highly collegial. You will be a very important part of one of the world’s great institutions of learning and exploration.


答案     凡是名副其实的高等教育机构都植根于过去,并向过去学习,在某种程度上又与今天的世界相互作用,并希望对未来产生影响。麻省理工学院也不例外,不过其独特之处主要在于我们以非同寻常的规模参与今天并献身未来。我们虽然把我们的才能应用于解决当今社会——工、商、艺术、医疗和政治等机构——所提出的问题,然而,我们从思想上却更加坚定地参与创造未来。多少年来,为完成我们的使命所采取的多少有点与众不同的办学方式,帮助我们界定了新的学术研究形式,并建立了新的教育范例。

解析 1.画线部分第一段第一句中的Great一词译为“名副其实的”,而不是“伟大的”,是因为后者与原文风格相悖。因而,Great institutions of higher education可译为“名副其实的高等教育机构”。
2.画线部分第一段第二句中,in large measure的意思是“在很大程度上”。uniqueness译为“独特之处”,而不译为“独一无二之处”,也是因为后者与原文风格相悖。同理,选文没有画线部分的第一句中的a unique institution可以译为“一所具有自己的特色的高等学府”,而不译为“一所独一无二的高等学府”。
3.画线部分第一段最后一句中,singular的意思是“与众不同的”,同义词有unparalleled,extraordinary,special等;approach的意思是“方式,途径”,但翻译时我们可以将其具体化,根据上下文译为“办学方式”。This somewhat singular approach to our mission可译为“为完成我们的使命所采取的多少有点与众不同的办学方式”。
4.画线部分第二段第二句中的being at the cutting edge可以直译为“站在刀锋之上”,因为这个譬喻读者是可以接受的,从字面上能够理解到那种“如临深渊,如履薄冰”的“戒慎”之意。
5.画线部分第二段第三句中的You will find MIT to be intense and demanding译为“你会发现,……但(教学和科研)却是紧张的,(人人有一种)紧迫感”,补加了一些句子成分,是根据下文(译文中转为上文)“麻省理工学院虽然学院气氛十足”引出的。