[originaltext]Now, listen to Part Two of the interview.Wl: There has been a ba
[originaltext]Now, listen to Part Two of the interview.Wl: There has been a ba
Now, listen to Part Two of the interview.
Wl: There has been a backlash against you. Some Pakistanis say you’ve shamed their country, or that you’re an agent of Western interests who want to undermine Pakistan, or Islam. How does that make you feel, when you’re out here fighting this fight?
W2:(6)The first thing is that it’s one’s right to express his or her feelings. When I look at the group that speaks against me in Pakistan, or anywhere, it’s a very small group, a very tiny group. I must look at the millions of people.(7)I must look at the support of people who raise the banners of "I am Malala" and who are still supporting me. So, I think I must not lose hope, and I must not look at the small group. Rather, I should see those millions of people who are praying for me and who are supporting me in my cause of education.
Wl: Now, there was a new threat issued against you just this week from a Taliban spokesman, who said, essentially, if she keeps speaking out like this, he said, we will target her again and attack whenever we get the chance. Do you feel you’re still in danger, even living abroad?
W2: I think the Taliban did not threaten me. He just reminded me about the threats, that, remember.
Wl: Is there a difference?
W2:(8)The thing is that they have already threatened me when I was in Swat, and then later on they attacked me. But the thing is, that now I’m living a second life. And God has given me this new life for the cause of education, and I believe that even death is supporting the cause of education, even death does not want to kill me, so how can those Taliban kill me then? And I think that I must not be afraid of death. First, I might have been before this attack, but now even if they threat me, I’m not afraid of any threat. I have seen death already. So now I’m more powerful. Now I’m more courageous.(9)And I will continue my campaign.
Wl: Now, do you get to go to school yourself any more with all these public appearances? Do you have any semblance of a normal life in England?
W2: I go to school in a car because it’s far away.(10)And, yes, it’s true that when I go to a market, when I go to a park, people just gather around me, and they want to talk to me. They want to have picture with me. Some people want autograph. But it’s the love of people, and I think it’s just a great honor for me that now I can reach people.
Wl: Malala Yousafzai, thank you so much.
W2: Nice to talk to you.
Wl: It’s a great honor to meet you.
This is the end of Part Two of the interview.
Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard.
6. What does Malala feel about some Pakistanis’ statement?
7. How did Malala think about her behavior?
8. How did the Taliban deal with Malala?
9. What do we know about Malala according to the interview?
10. What does Malala say about her life now?
A、She will continue supporting girls’ education.
B、She becomes afraid of the terrorist attack.
C、She was shot dead by the Taliban.
D、She lived in fear never felt before.
关于中枢化学感受器的描述,错误的是()A.位于延髓内 B.对脑脊液中的O2分
A.晕厥 B.习惯性阴部摩擦 C.抽动秽语综合征 D.窒息 E.屏气发作
认为生姜为“呕家圣药”的医家是( )。A.张仲景 B.孙思邈 C.刘完素
以下( )不是地图制印所包括的过程。A.纸张光边 B.印前数据处理 C.地
根据下列饼图,该地区高校在读大学生文科学生比工科学生少()。 A.5.13
A. B. C. D.
以下关于入仓温度说法正确的是( )。A.入仓后平仓前,深5-10cm处的 B.