[originaltext]M: The concept that you can earn a high salary without having a c
[originaltext]M: The concept that you can earn a high salary without having a c
M: The concept that you can earn a high salary without having a college degree may seem impossible, but according to one group, there are jobs out there where you can make six figures without higher education. CNBC’s personal finance correspondent Sharon Epperson is here with details. Good morning, Sharon.
W: Good morning, Tamron.
M: Obviously, we’re not saying not to pursue college if that is an option. W: Absolutely not. M: But in the real world that is not the case for anyone. So you have a list of jobs, but I would guess there are stipulations.
W: There are stipulations. We talked of the pay scale, and they said these are the jobs where you could potentially make six figures— over $100,000— but you need to be a top performer. This is not some job you’re going to get right out of high school. You’re probably going to have to get some training.
M: Highly trained, well skilled. Let’s start with a nuclear power reactor operator. That sounds like you have to be well trained.
W: Definitely. You can get a median pay of $103,000 a year.
M: Wow.
W: But, up to $142,000 for the top 10% in that field. And you just need a high school diploma, strictly speaking. I talked to the nuclear regulatory committee and they say you need training, at least three years of service just at the power plant where you work. You need to go through an exam administered by the nuclear regulatory commission. They offer the operating licenses. And there is extensive training while you’re on the job to make sure you’re still up to speed on those skills.
M: I would also imagine background checks for the job.
W: Background checks, drug testing, alcohol testing, medical exams, and of course, again, getting your license every six years or so, making sure that you’re up to date.
M: OK. On the list of jobs, we can also see specifically personal trainers in the health care industry. And I think of that as a luxury, but apparently, people pay up for it.
W: Yes. People pay up but they get paid a lot more, and particularly for specialized training. The median pay is $51,000, but you could get up to $141,000 a year. Now, how is this possible? Again, you’re at the upper end of your field, but also, if you have a lot of specialized training. Some yoga instructors have to have training for at least two years to become certified, and some may even require more. It depends on the facility; it depends on the type of training that you’re doing.
This is the end of
Part One of the interview.
Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. What is the topic of this interview?
2. According to the interview, which of the following statements about the jobs on the list is CORRECT?
3. What kind of diploma do you need to become a nuclear reactor operator?
4. Which of the following is NOT required if you want to become a nuclear power reactor operator?
5. According to the interview, what is personal trainers’ median pay?
A、Background checks.
B、Drug testing.
C、Six-year work experience.
D、Medical exams.
引起急性出血性结肠炎的病原体是A.志贺菌 B.伤寒沙门菌 C.新型肠道病毒7
下列选项中,不属于定金和订金的区别的是()。A.性质不同 B.效力不同
稽留热可出现于A.脓毒症患者 B.肿瘤患者 C.结核病患者 D.大叶性肺炎
甾体皮质类固醇药物的分子结构特点为A.分子结构中具有C位α-醇酮基 B.分子结
右半结肠癌的主要表现不包括()。A.腹痛 B.消瘦 C.贫血 D.腹部肿
有关慢性龈炎错误的是A.病变局限于牙龈,无深部牙周组织的破坏 B.是一种可复性