Like other forms of life on this planet, human beings face a basic task: to

游客2024-10-22  2

问题      Like other forms of life on this planet, human beings face a basic task: to deal satisfactorily with their conflicts and thereby secure the advantages of community and cooperation. Unlike other forms of life, human beings are born with a capacity to reflect on this task and to search for better solutions by conscious thought and careful choices. The task of overcoming conflicts and achieving community life and cooperation arises because human beings are unable and unwilling to live in complete isolation. The advantages of cooperation and community life are so numerous and so obvious that they must have been evident to man from earliest times. By now, our ancestors have closed off the choice; for most of us the choice of total isolation from a community is, realistically speaking, no longer open. Nevertheless, however strongly human beings are driven to seek the company of one another, and despite thousands of years’ practice, they have never discovered a way in which they can live together without conflict. Conflict exists when one individual wishes to follow a line of action that would make it difficult or impossible for someone else to pursue his own desire. Conflict seems to be an incapable aspect of the community and consequently of human beings. Why conflict seems inescapable is a question that has troubled many people: philosophers, historians, social scientists, doubtless a great many ordinary people." Conflict is built into the very nature of men and women," said James Madison, "Human beings have diverse abilities, and these in turn produce diverse interests." [br] It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

选项 A、conflict can be overcome if we live and work alone
B、it is impossible for human beings to avoid conflict with one another
C、the best solution to the problem of conflict is isolation from the community
D、human beings have found the way to deal with their conflicts

答案 B

解析 推断题,此题问的是读完本文后能总结出什么,答案A不代表文章主题:答案C同文章讲述的事实不符,因为在文章中间有一句话讲到,从现实角度看,对于我们绝大多数人而言,完全从社会孤立出来是不可行的。因此,孤立于社会之外绝不是解决冲突的最佳方法;答案D说人类已经找到处理冲突的方法,显然同文章内容大相径庭。而答案B指出,人类不可能避免相互冲突,这才是本文的主题。