Suicide, the number-two killer of college student, claims the lives of appr
Suicide, the number-two killer of college student, claims the lives of appr
Suicide, the number-two killer of college student, claims the lives of approximately 5,000 college-age people each year. That number, experts say is a minimum estimate since many suicides reported as accidents.
Over the past thirty years, the incidence of suicides among college-age individuals has risen 284 percent. This dramatic increase is explained in numerous ways by experts from different domains.
Although there is typically no single reason for a suicide, authorities have compiled several reasons why a college student may attempt it.
First, scholastic anxiety may contribute to a student’s dissatisfaction with life. Parental and peer pressure for scholastic achievement may become an unreasonable burden. Since competition for grades and academic achievement is becoming fiercer on today’s campuses, the student who is worried or anxious about grades may become extremely distraught and depressed.
Second, students face high unemployment rates. Economic hardship is often a hallmark of suicide.
Third, a stressful social life can make a college student feel rejected, abandoned and dissatisfied. Individuals who have problems adjusting to social life in college are frequently considered likely candidates for attempting suicide since they lack companionship and thus may feel as though no one cares about them.
There is an encouraging note in the bleak picture. A high percent of suicidal individuals — 80% — indicate their intention. An actual suicide such as "You’d better off without me" and "Life has lost all meaning" fall into this category. Another possible indication is the situational hint, such as a person’s poor health, economic distress, breakups of relationships, and family problems. A fourth possible indication is the emotional hint, which involves changes in behavior and levels of energy.
The suicide of at least 5,000 higher education students per year is a devastating loss — to family and friends, to the college, and to the community. Since early detection and treatment of depression are the greatest deterrents to suicide, educators and colleges may be in unique positions to help prevent these losses. Studies report that establishing crisis intervention centers on campuses is highly effective step.
Two major components are necessary before these centers can be completely functional. The first is a twenty-four hour telephone answering service. Personnel answering the phone can be professionals. A second component is the presence of professional counselors. Students who contemplate or attempt suicide need professional guidance.
Typically, campus crisis centers perform three functions. First, they educate and inform the community about suicide. If other students and professors are taught to recognize symptoms of a suicidal individual, then early detection and intervention may be possible before an individual even attempts suicide. Second, the centers provide counseling for victims who have attempted suicide. Since statistics show that four of five people who commit suicide tried it at least once before, this intervention is of the outmost importance. The third functions of a crisis intervention center on a campus is to counsel individuals who were friends, roommates, and relatives of the victims.
The college’s roll in early detection and intervention for its troubled students may be relatively simple, requiring only minimum facilities and personnel, and institutional awareness and concern. [br] To be functional, a crisis center must
A、be centrally located and open all night..
B、offer educational programs.
C、use peers as counselors as well as have professional available.
D、be accessible 24 hours a day and offer professional guidance.
定位于文章第九段,其段意是:为了使校园自杀干预中心完全有效地起作用,要考虑两个问题。第一是24小时的电话应答服务;第二是专业人员的现场解答。D 全面概括了以上两点,因此为答案。
临床教师的“提供照顾者”的角色功能包括A.帮助病人减轻痛苦 B.帮助病人恢复健
A.肝 B.心 C.脾 D.肺 E.肾具有主升清功能的脏是()
保存要素饮食的要求是A:常温下保存24小时 B:1~2℃冰箱中保存48小时
既能泻下逐水,又能去积杀虫的药物是( )。A.巴豆 B.芫花 C.牵牛子
关于亲和动机,正确的说法包括()。 (A)焦虑会增强人们的亲和动机(B)悲
自动稳定的财政政策主要表现在以下方面()。A.比例税率的自动调节 B.
对于实施项目法人责任制的项目,项目董事会的职权有( )。A.负责筹措建设资金