The news item is mainly about the background of [originaltext][26]The people of

游客2024-09-28  1

问题 The news item is mainly about the background of
[26]The people of Canada are bracing themselves for an election campaign. The Prime Minister Paul Martin who runs a minority government is challenging the opposition to call a vote of no confidence. That vote seems almost certain to take place next week and could lead to new elections in January. Recently Mr. Martin seems to have turned up the volume of anti-American rhetoric during this latest tussle with his political opponents.

选项 A、Martin’s struggle against his political opponents.
B、the opposition’s calling a vote of no confidence.
C、Martin’s opposition to the United States.
D、the new election campaign in Canada.

答案 D

解析 新闻首句提到,在加拿大,人们正在迎接即将到来的选举。接下来所讲的都是选举之前的一些政治情况。故选项D正确。